Ponkalo L.I., Vіshchur O.I. Summary. Results of the research showet that parenteral injection of vitamins A, D3, E, lysine, methionine with zinc acetate or sodium selenite in the form of liposomal emulsion alone, to cows in the last month of pregnancy, lead to the increase of T-lymphocytes (general, theophylline-resistant) and B-lymphocytes’ number in the blood of cows and calves, and increasen functional activity of immunocompetent cells due to redistribution of receptive apparatus of T- and Blymphocytes towards the increase of their avidity. Key words: immune system, T-and B-lymphocytes, vitamins A, D3, Е, micronutrients, cows, calves. References: 1. Gaydova O.S. Immunomodyliryushchie svoystva vitamina E [Immunomodulatory properties of vitamin E]. – Grudnaya i serdechno-sosudistaya khirurgiya. – 2000 (12). – pp 30-33. 2. Metins R.S. Vitamins in control of lumphocyte migration/ R. S. Metins// Nat. Immunol., 8 – 2007. – P. 229-230. 3. Pereira S. Separation by counteflow centrifugal elutriation and analysis of T- and B-lymphocytic cell lines in progressive stages of cell division cycle/ S. Pereira // J. Immunol. Meth. – 2006 – Vol. 203. – P. 25-36 Author affiliatіon: Ponkalo Lesia I., postgraduate student of the laboratory of immunology of the Institute of animal biology of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences; 38, Stusa st., Lviv, Ukraine, 79034; phone: +380677530548; e-mail: ponkalolesia@ukr.net. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Vishchur Oleg I., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, senior scientific researcher, chief of the laboratory of Immunology the Institute of animal biology of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences; 38, Stusa St., Lviv, Ukraine, 79034; phone: +380675988091.