Frolovichev A.S., Troshin A.N. Summary. Problem of developing and implementing of new products of organic selenium, with high biological activity is very important. Experimental results of studying of selenium content in loamy soils and feed for pigs are presented in the article. Authors determined the dynamics of selenium in the season. Selenium deficiency was set in fodders throughout the year. Selenium level in serum of pigs was less than 80 mcg/l, further conditions associated to anemia syndrome specific to selenium deficiency were established. Pharmacological properties of diacetofenyl selenide on sows during gestation and after farrowing, as well as influence of the preparation on blood and productivity of piglets was studied. Increase of red blood cells and hemoglobin content was marked in piglets. Preparation optimizes reproductive function of sows, shows immunomodulatory and growth promoting effect in piglets. Key words: diacetophenyl selenide, sodium selenite, research, piglets, domestic pigs, weight gain, reproduction, immunity, red blood cells, hemoglobin, mastitis-metritis-agalactia, pharmacology. References: 1. Makarova E.S. Primenenie DAFS-25 dlya snizheniya intoksikatsii zhivotnykh solyami tyazhelykh metallov [DAFS – 25 use for animals’ heavy metals detoxication]. – Moscow, 2013. – 22 p. 2. Drevko B.I., Antipov V.A., Zhukov O.I., Fomenko L.A., Markova L.I., Drevko R.I., Rodionova T.N., Efremov V.I., Kharchenko V.G. Sredstvo dlya lecheniya i profilaktiki boleznej, vyzyvaemykh nedostatochnostyu selena v organizme selskohozyajstvennykh zhivotnykh i ptits [Medicine for treatment and prevention selenium deficiency of farm animals]. – Pat. 2051681, Rossiyskaya Federatsiya, 1996. – 3 p. 3. Urazaev D.N., Antipov V.A., Turchenko A.N., Kuzminova E.V., Kazaryan R.V. Effektivnost preparata Karsel pri lechenii i profilaktike poslerodovykh oslozhneniy u korov [Efficiency of Karsel in treatment and prevention of postpartum diseases in cows]. – Vestnik veterinarii. – Stavropol, 2001 (3/20). – p. 35. 4. Diehl, J. S., D. C. Mahan and A. L. Moxon Effects of single intramuscular injections of selenium at various levels to young swine // J. Anim. Sci., 1975, V. 40, P. 844. 5. Groce, A. W., E. R. Miller, K. K. Keahey, D. E. Ullrey and D. J. Ellis Selenium supplementation of practical diets for growing-finishing swine // J. Anim. Sci., 1971, V. 32, P. 905. 6. Oldfield, J. E. Some recollections of early swine research with selenium and vitamin E // J. Anim. Sci., 2003, V. 81, P. E145-E148. Author affiliation: Frolovichev Aleksander S., graduate of the Krasnodar Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute; 1, 1st Line, Krasnodar, 350004; phone: +7 (861) 221-62-20; e-mail: knivi@list.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Troshin Andrey N., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, vice-director of the Krasnodar Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute; 1, 1st Line, Krasnodar, 350004; phone: +7 (861) 221-62-20; e-mail: knivi@list.ru.