УДК 597.017.645:612.26.014.46 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2024-2-32-34 Kuzmicheva S. V., Mikryakov D. V., Novikov D. A., Salov S. R. Summary. Experimental study of the effect of different preparations on fishery parameters of sterlet larvae was carried out. Seven groups of 1000 larvae each with an average weight of 0.5 g were planted in flow-through plastic pools with a volume of 0.3 m3. Sterlet were fed 24 times a day with Advance fish feed from Alltech Coppens. Control group (I) - simple feed, and experimental group with addition of different preparations: II - probiotic based on Bacillus subtilis ‘SUB-PRO’, III - structural and functional analog of endogenous IL-2 ‘Roncoleukin’, IV - antibacterial preparation on the basis of ciprofloxacin ‘Antibak-100’, V - enterosorbing agent ‘Polifepam’, VI - preparation ‘AQUATAN’ on the basis of ellagotannins, VII - biologically active additive ‘Ecoflor’. The preparations were added to the feed according to the instructions. The duration of the experiment was 27 days. The effect of preparations on fishery parameters was assessed by average daily growth rate, absolute and average daily gain, and mass accumulation coefficient. During the experiment it was found that the values of fishery parameters in the experimental groups of sterlet changed with different intensity depending on the time after the beginning of the experiment. In the first two weeks, high growth and mass accumulation rates were observed in larvae receiving Polifepam with feed, and at 21 days - Ronkoleikin. By the end of the experimental feeding, the highest fish growth rates were recorded in larvae fed probiotic preparations, and the lowest - ‘AQUATAN’. Keywords: sterlet larvae, Polifepam enterosorbent agent, Ronkoleukin immunomodulator, SUB-PRO and Ecoflor probiotics, Aquatan feed additive, fishery parameters. References: 1. Atlas presnovodnyh ryb Rossii [Atlas of Russian Freshwater Fishes]. -Nauka. - Moscow, 2002. - 379 p. 2. Bogeruk A. 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Salov Sergey R., student of the Yaroslavl State Agrarian University; 58, Tutaevskoe hgw., Yaroslavl, 150999; e-mail: 9762@student.yarcx.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Mikryakov Daniil V., Ph. D. in Biology, Head of the laboratory of immunology of the Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences; 109, Borok sttl., Yaroslavl region, 152742; phone: 8-960-5335224; e-mail: daniil@ibiw.ru.