rus eng
Issues / 02/24 Print

Chitosan use perspective in veterinary medicine

УДК 619:615.254/615.036.2
DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2024-2-21-23

Kaluga M. A., Gorban E. A., Sevostyanova O. I., Orobets V. A.

Summary. This research work is a talk about the pathology of the non-infectious profile of small domestic animals, and especially the issue of new developments of Russian and foreign production that can be based on chitosan used as a means of prevention and therapy of diseases of domestic animals. Chitosan is an aminopolysaccharide molecule constructed from N-acetyl-2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glycopyranose units linked by e-(1-4)-glycoside bonds. Chitin and chitosan synthetically obtained from it are of great interest as materials for medical and biological purposes. The analysis of the materials of scientific research, publications in periodicals and monographs of fundamental and applied nature is carried out. The goal of many studies was to study the effectiveness of the use of special drugs and feed additives based on chitosan in the treatment of chronic renal failure for pets. It is able to bind phosphates and uremic toxins, reduce their bioavailability. This helps to inhibit the pathological process and improve the clinical status of animals with kidney disease. At the same time, the analysis of the literature data showed the possibility of using chitosan-based drugs in other areas of veterinary medicine, for example, in surgery and wound therapy. Thus, it has been experimentally established that the film obtained on its basis has a pronounced antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus. It was found that the component exhibits antibacterial and regenerating properties. It also serves as a biological absorbent and antioxidant. This makes it possible to use it not only as a biofilter, but also has a beneficial effect on the clinical status of renal profile patients. At the same time, one of the most promising areas of chitosan application in medicine is the development of capsule forms of medicines that provide a long-term therapeutic effect and targeted delivery of the active substance.

Keywords: chitosan, therapy, prevention, regeneration, biosorbent, chronic renal failure, surgery.


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Author information:

Kaluga Mariya A., student of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 12, Zootechnicheskiy lane, Stavropol, 355017.

Gorban Ekaterina A., student of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 12, Zootechnicheskiy lane, Stavropol, 355017.

Orobets Vladimir A., D. Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, Head of the department of Therapy and Pharmacology, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 12, Zootechnicheskiy lane, Stavropol, 355017.

Responsible for the correspondence with the editorial board: Sevostyanova Olga I., Ph. D. in Biology, docent, Head of the department of Innovative Educational Programmes, docent of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 12, Zooteknicheskiy lane, Stavropol, 355017; e-mail:


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