УДК 619:616:576.89:636.1 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2024-2-10-12 Domatskiy V. N. Summary. The article presents the results of an analysis of the parasitological situation regarding equine gastrophylosis in the Russian Federation and the effectiveness of antiparasitic drugs. Gastrophilosis has been registered in the Moscow, Leningrad and Tyumen regions, the Central region of the Non-Black Earth Region, Western Siberia, Altai and Krasnodar Territories, Kalmykia, Trans-Urals, Yakutia, while the extensiveness of the invasion is 22.5-94.6%. Gastrophilosis can occur in horses both in the form of monoinfections and in associative form. Of the monoinfestations in horses, parascariasis predominates, accounting for 56.2% of infested animals, stroingyloidosis - 50% and gastrophylosis - 72.7%. Mixed invasions are formed by associations of nematodes and gastric botfly in various combinations: P. equorum + Trichonema sp. + S. westeri + G. intestinalis; P. equorum + Trichonema sp. + G. intestinalis. The most common mixed infestation is defined as an association of strongylids of the digestive organs (representatives of the genus Trichonema) and equine gastrophylosis (G. intestinalis), which corresponds to 35.4%-45.5% of the number of infested horses. Pandex is considered the least toxic of ivermectin preparations for horses. The use of fenbendazole (brovadazole, fencur, panakur), closantel and ivermectin (pandex, aversect, brovermectin-gel, equalan paste, etc.) is effective. The high extent effectiveness of avermectin drugs (avermectin paste 1%, rivertin 1%, univerm) for gastrophilosis and nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract of horses, as well as the complex antiparasitic drug Prazimax for mono- and polyinfestations of horses has been established. Iversan® and Rivercon showed 100% effectiveness for equine gasterophilosis. Avertin powder, univerm, abictin and albamelin showed high effectiveness against gastric botfly larvae, but avertin powder turned out to be the most fast acting. Keywords: horses, gastrophylosis, spread, damage, extensiveness and intensity of invasion, effectiveness of antiparasitic drugs. References: 1. Gavrilova N. A., Belova L. M., Loginova O. S. et al. Assotsiativnaya zheludochno-kishechnaya invaziya loshadey v Leningradskoy oblasti [Associated gastrointestinal infection of horses in the Leningrad region]. - Mezhdunarodnyy vestnik veterinarii. - 2020 (2). - pp. 31-36. 2. Kulyasov P. A. et al. Gastrofilez sychuga zherebenka kalmytskoy porody [Gastrophylosis of the abomasum of a Kalmyk breed foal]. - 2020 (4 (63). - pp. 153-158. 3. Kulyasov P. A., Frantsuzov O. E., Bolayev V. K. et al. Gastrofileznyy ovod v Respublike Kalmykiya [Gastrophilous gadfly in the Republic of Kalmykia]. - Glavnyy zootekhnik. - 2019 (4). - pp. 53-62. 4. Dashinimaev B. Ts., Boyarova L. I. 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