УДК 619:616.9:636.088:636.4 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2023-2-15-18 Fedotov S. V., Simonov P. G., Aliev A. Yu. Summary. The ubiquitous distribution of endometritis and mastitis in cows has a serious negative impact on the development of dairy production due to the deterioration of the reproductive capacity of livestock, reduced milk yield, culling of animals, deterioration of the sanitary and technological qualities of milk. A large number of antibacterial drugs used to treat bovine endometritis and mastitis do not always meet modern requirements medicine due to insufficient therapeutic efficacy, milk rejection for long periods, the emergence of resistance in pathogenic microorganisms, and inhibition of natural neurohumoral of local and general body defence. The Independence period in the group of cows treated with Argumistin® averaged 38,8 days, which is 26,5 (p<0,01) and 9,5 days less than in the treatment of purulent-catarrhal chronic endometritis with EndometromagBio® and Metricur, respectively. The therapeutic efficacy of Argumistin® in chronic purulent-catarrhal endometritis is 95%, with an average duration of treatment of 7,3 days. The drug Argumistin® with a colloidal silver content of 0,005% proved to be a more effective remedy for the treatment of purulent-catarrhal forms of mastitis in lactating cows. The duration of treatment averaged 5,8 days and was significantly lower by 10,3% (p<0,001) compared with the control group. The use of Argumistin® does not entail a waiting period, since after intrauterine administration of the drug, meat and dairy products of animal husbandry can be used for food purposes without restrictions. Keywords: dairy cattle breeding, large horned cattle, cows, postpartum mastitis, postpartum endometritis, Argumistin®, therapeutic efficacy, intrauterine administration, purulent-catarrhal form. References: 1. Belozertseva N. S., Fedotov S. V., Yakhaev I. M. Zavisimost reproduktivnoy sposobnosti cherno-pestrykh korov ot fiziologicheskogo statusa [Dependence of the reproductive ability of black-and-white cows on the physiological status]. - Veterinariya. - 2019 (6). - pp. 41-44. 2. Aliev A. Yu., Fedotov S. V., Belozertseva N. S., Yakhaev I. M. Vliyanie subklinicheskoy formy mastita na kachestvennyy sostav moloka [Influence of subclinical form of mastitis on the qualitative composition of milk]. - Kormlenie i veterinariya. - 2021 (6). - pp. 4-7. 3. Simonov P. G., Ashenbrenner A. I., Khapersky Yu. A. et al. 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Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Aliev Ayub Yu., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Director the Caspian Zonal Scientific Research Veterinary Institute - branch of the Federal Agrarian Scientific Center of the Republic of Dagestan; 88, Dakhadaeva st., Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, 367000; phone: 8-928-5715784; e-mail: alievayb1@mail.ru.