УДК 619:636.2:616.34/-022.7:579.62/83 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2023-2-12-14 Badeeva O. B., Makarova V. N., Korukina M. V., Simanova I. N. Summary. Vologda region is the oldest dairy farming region in Russia. This branch occupies a leading place in the agriculture of the region. The products of the livestock industry, and especially dairy cattle breeding, in Vologda region historically and territorially have competitive advantages compared to other regions of the Russian Federation. The production of raw milk remains a key activity for more than 200 agricultural organizations and peasant (farmer) households in the region, and in 18 out of 26 districts, economic activity is associated only with dairy cattle breeding. According to official data, the region has a high incidence of the large horned cattle -54,9%, including young animals - 43,6%. The death of animals is recorded mainly from the pathology of the digestive system (56,4%) of non-infectious etiology. The number of patients with malignant edema over the past three years has increased by 45,5%, the number of unfavorable points by 51,8%. 351 cultures of various microorganisms were isolated over the past three years as a result of bacteriological studies conducted in the Vologda branch of the Federal Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Isolated anaerobic microorganisms of the genus Clostridium were represented by the following species: Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium histolyticum, Clostridium sordellii, which under favorable conditions become pathogenic and cause severe intoxication with high mortality of animals. The fight against clostridiosis is hampered by the fact that they all form spores and are able to persist in nature for a long time, which creates permanently unfavorable points for these infections. Keywords: large horned cattle, dairy cattle breeding, young animals, infectious pathology, anaerobic microorganisms, spores, clostridium, malignant edema, enterotoxemia, high mortality, inpatient disadvantaged areas. References: 1. Terentyeva T. E., Glotova T. I., Koteneva S. V. et al. Vidovoy spektr bakteriy roda Clostridium, vydelennykh ot krupnogo rogatogo skota na molochnykh kompleksakh [Species spectrum of bacteria of the genus Clostridium isolated from cattle in dairy complexes]. - Russian Veterinary Journal. - 2016 (1). - pp. 5-8. 2. Kapustin A. V., Motorygin A. V., Bukova N. K. Vidovoy sostav klostridiy krupnogo rogatogo skota [Species composition of Clostridia in large horned cattle]. - Vestnik veterinarii. - 2013 (1, 64). - pp. 71-73. 3. Makarova V. N., Badeeva O. B., Simanova I. N. Analiz zheludochno-kishechnykh bolezney molodnyaka krupnogo rogatogo skota v khozyaystvakh Vologodskoy oblasti [Analysis of gastrointestinal diseases of young cattle in the farms of Vologda region]. - Veterinariya i kormlenie. - Moscow, 2018 (7). - pp. 23-24. 4. Sidorchuk A. A., Krupalnik V. L. Klostridiozy zhivotnykh: uchebnoe posobie [Animal Clostridiosis: A Study Guide]. - 2004. - 140 p. 5. Urguev K. P. Klostridiozy zhivotnykh [Clostridial infections in animals]. - 1987. - 183 p. 6. Badeeva O. B., Makarova V. N., Simanova I. N., Koryukina M. V. Etiologicheskaya struktura smeshannykh zheludochno-kishechnykh i respiratornykh zabolevaniy telyat na molochnykh fermakh i kompleksakh Vologodskoy oblasti [Etiological structure of mixed gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases of calves on dairy farms and complexes in Vologda region]. - Veterinariya Kubani. - Krasnodar, 2022 (4). - pp. 13-15. 7-12. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Makarova Vera N., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, senior scientific researcher of the Vologda branch of the Federal scientific center - AllRussian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K. I. Skryabina and Ya. R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 10, Chekhova st., Vologda, 160009; phone: 8-921-8285607; e-mail: veramakarova2015@yandex.ru. Koryukina Marina V., scientific researcher of the Vologda branch of the Federal scientific center - All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K. I. Skryabina and Ya. R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 10, Chekhova st., Vologda, 160009. Simanova Irina N., graduate student, head of the Department for the study of animal diseases of infectious etiology of the Vologda branch of the Federal scientific center - All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K. I. Skryabina and Ya. R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 10, Chekhova st., Vologda, 160009. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Badeeva Oksana B., senior scientific researcher of the Vologda branch of the Federal scientific center - All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K. I. Skryabina and Ya. R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 10, Chekhova st., Vologda, 160009; phone: 8-921-8273359; e-mail: oksanabadeeva@yandex.ru.