DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2022-2-38-40 Antonov N.I. Summary. Pelvic canal stenosis in the cats treated conservatively after pelvic injury is the main cause of obstructive megacolon. In the two observations presented in the article with megacolon in cats, the post-traumatic pelvic constriction in them amounted to 57% and 50%. The cats underwent double pelvic osteotomy followed by external fixation without subtotal colectomy. In the first case, osteotomy was carried out four years later, and in the second case - six months after the injury. Pelvic osteotomy, together with stable external fixation along the entire perimeter of the pelvis with simultaneous intraosseous fixation of the iliac fragments, contributed to the restoration of the pelvic canal in the both cats. Defecation was restored in full only after osteotomy for the megacolon of six months ago. The research results demonstrated that in obstructive megacolon, pelvic stenosis elimination without performing subtotal colectomy had a positive effect up to 6 months after injury inclusively, but at the same time, elimination is probably possible at a later date. Prevention of obstructive megacolon should consist in timely and adequate surgical treatment of cats with an iliac fracture when the caudal fragment is displaced into the pelvic cavity. Keywords: cat, injury, pelvic stenosis, intestinal obstruction, megacolon, segmented intestine, blocking, osteotomy, osteosynthesis, colectomy. References: 1. Antonov N.I. Apparat vneshney fiksatsii dlya lecheniya koshek s povrezhdeniyami taza, tazobedrennogo sustava i poyasnichno-kresttsovogo soyedineniya [Device for external fixation for treatment of cats with injuries of the pelvis, the hip and lumbosacral joint]. - Veterinary Pathology. - 2015 (2 (52)). -pp. 55-62. 2. Denny H.R., Butterwoff S.D. Ortopediya sobak i koshek [Orthopedics of dogs and cats]. - AQUARIUM BUK Ltd. - Moscow, 2004. - 696 p. 3. Sovremennyy kurs veterinarnoy meditsiny Kirka [Modern course of Kirk veterinary medicine]. - Aquarium-Print Ltd. - Moscow, 2005. - 1375 p. 4-15. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Antonov Nikolay I., Ph.D. in Biology, scientific researcher of the Experimental Laboratory of the National Ilizarov Medical Research Centre for Traumatology and Orthopaedics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; 6, M. Ulyanova st., Kurgan, 640014; e-mail: aniv-niko@mail.ru - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.