DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2022-2-29-30 Ponaskov M.A. Summary. The problem of viral pneumoenteritis of young farm animals is relevant for agriculture of the Republic of Belarus. Currently, the most effective method of preventing viral pneumoenteritis of calves is vaccination of pregnant cows. In mixed infections, polyvalent vaccines are the most effective means of preventing such diseases. But biological preparations should have not only high preventive efficiency, but also not affect the quality of the final product. The author of the article studied the effect of BolsheVak polyvalent inactivated culture vaccine against infectious rhinotracheitis, viral diarrhea, parainfluenza-3, respiratory syncytial, rotavirus and coronavirus infection of large horned cattle on veterinary and sanitary indices of rabbit meat. Ten rabbits were used to determine the effect of the studied vaccine on the quality of meat. According to the principle of pairs of analogues, two groups of rabbits weighing from 2.5 to 3.0 kg were formed, 5 animals in each group. Rabbits of the experimental group were immunized with the studied vaccine intramuscularly into the inner side of the thigh at a dose of 2.5 cm3 twice with an interval of 21 days. Rabbits of the control group were injected with an isotonic sodium chloride solution according to a similar scheme. Clinical examination of animals of all groups was car-ried out for 30 days. Diagnostic slaughter and veterinary and sanitary examination of rabbit meat were carried out on the 30th day of the experiment. It has been estab-lished that the meat of rabbits to which the studied vaccine was applied is benign ac-cording to organoleptic, physic and chemical, bacteriological parameters, as well as biological value and harmlessness. Keywords: vaccine, specific prevention, viral pneumoenteritis, rabbits, calves, cattle, veterinary and sanitary indicators, biological value, harmlessness, toxicity. Author affiliation: Ponaskov Mikhail A., Master in Veterinary Medicine, Assistant of the Department of obstetrics, gynecology and biotechnology of animal reproduction named after Ya.G. Gubarevich of the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine; 7/11, 1st Dovatora st., Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus, 210026; phone: +375336517990; e-mail: cool.m1hail@yandex.by - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.