DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2021-2-52-53 Nadezhdin D.V. Summary. Skin as an organ with a clearly pronounced borderline, in particular, barrier-protective function has long been of interest to researchers. Skin lesions, especially long-term non-healing or chronic wounds, are a topical problem of veterinary medicine. Reparative regeneration is complex multistage, which is based on a complex of numerous biochemical, immunological and genetic mechanisms, considered in the regenerative process as homeostatic and regulatory. Despite the large number of drugs of natural and synthetic origin with reparative properties, interest in this problem remains high, since existing drugs are not all quite effective. Currently, in veterinary clinical medicine, the use of stem cells was a widespread and promising method of treating many pathologies, including those related to the skin. In recent years, subcutaneous fatty fiber has been used as an alternative source of stem and pro-genitor cells for regenerative medicine, the sampling procedure of which is characterized by much less invasiveness compared to bone marrow aspiration. The most promising material for cell therapy of skin wound defects is currently multipotent mesenechemical stromal cells and stromal-vascular fraction, capable by paracrine production of cytokines, chemoattractants and growth factors to stimulate the regeneration process. Being universal regulators of regenerative process, MMSCs and participate in wound healing at almost all its stages: change process of inflammation course, stimulate proliferation of epitelia and fibroblasts, promote angiogenesis. However, a comprehensive morphological assessment of the skin repair process has not been found in the available literature. Keywords: skin, tissue, wound, regenerate, scar, remodeling, regeneration, reparative regeneration, autologous cellular products, stromal-vascular fraction, multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells. References: 1. Bogdanenko E.V., Sergievich L., Karnaukhov A., Karnaukhova N., Lizunova I., Karnaukhov V. Izuchenie regenerativnogo potentsiala stvolovykh kletok tselnogo kostnogo mozga dlya lecheniya mekhanicheskikh travm kozhi v modelnykh eksperimentakh na myshakh [Study of the regenerative potential of whole bone marrow stem cells for the treatment of mechanical skin injuries in model experiments on mice]. - 2020. 2. Korovina D.G., Yurov K.P., Volkova I.M., Alekseenkova S.V., Vasileva S.A., Savchenkova E.A., Savchenkova I.P. Pupovinnaya krov loshadey kak istochnik multipotentnykh mezenkhimnykh stvolovykh kletok [Equine cord blood as a source of multipotent mesenchymal stem cells]. - Konevodstvo i konnyy sport. - 2015 (6). - pp. 31-33. 3. Masgutov R.F., Salikhov R.Z., Plakseychuk Yu.A. et al. Primenenie kletok stromalnoy vaskulyarnoy fraktsii zhirovoy tkani pri lozhnom sustave bedrennoy kosti: klinicheskiy sluchay [Application of cells of the stromal vascular fraction of adipose tissue in the pseudarthrosis of the femur: a clinical case]. - 2013. 4 . Rogovaya O.S., Krasnov M.S., Kosovskaya E.V., Kosovskiy G.Yu. Mezenkhimnye stvolovye kletki kak immunosupressory v kletochnoy terapii (obzor) [Mesenchymal stem cells as immunosuppressants in cell therapy (review)]. - 2011. 5. Sergeev M.A., Amirov D.R. Primenenie allogennykh multipotentnykh mezenkhimalnykh stvolovykh kletok pri lechenii perelomov kostey goleni u koshek [Application of allogeneic multipotent mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of tibial fractures in cats]. - 2017. 6. Startseva O.I., Melnikov D.V., Zakharenko A.S., Kirillova K.A., Ivanov S.I., Pishchikova E.D. et al. Mezenkhimnye stvolovye kletki zhirovoy tkani: sovremennyy vzglyad, aktualnost i perspektivy primeneniya v plasticheskoy khirurgii [Mesenchymal stem cells of adipose tissue: modern view, relevance and prospects of application in plastic surgery]. - Research and Practical Medicine Journal. -Moscow, 2016 (3 (3)). - pp. 68-75.. 7. Khannanova I.G., Masgutov R.F., Gallyamov A.R., Rizvanov A.A., Bogov A.A. Vosstanovlenie funktsii dvuglavoy myshtsy plecha metodom nevrotizatsii v sochetanii s autotransplantatsiey kletok stromalnoy vaskulyarnoy fraktsii zhirovoy tkani [Restoration of the function of the biceps brachii muscle by the method of neurotization in combination with autotransplantation of cells of the stromal vascular fraction of adipose tissue]. - 2015. 8-17. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Nadezhdin Dmitriy V., postgraduate student of the department of animal anatomy and histology named after professor A.F. Klimov of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MVA named after K.I. Skryabin; 8 apt., 7, Dubki vllg., Ramensky district, Moscow region, 140163; phone: 8-901-3609867; e-mail: nadaki@mail.ru - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.