DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2021-2-49-51 Burmenskaya G.A., Shunaeva A.V. Summary. The pancreas is part of the endocrine and digestive system. As a result of its inflammation, the process of its production of enzymes and their entry into the duodenum is disrupted, therefore, some of the enzymes cause the digestion of the tissue of the gland itself. If the pathogenic microflora is involved in the pathological process, septic phenomena develop, leading to a fatal outcome. Despite the high prevalence of pancreatic diseases in cats, diagnosis does not fully guarantee the detection of pancreatitis, since it often occurs in a latent form. For the treatment of the disease, a wide range of schemes has been created. But due to the late treatment of the owners in the clinic, in the absence of a comprehensive approach to treatment, as well as the separate use of various groups of drugs, there is a serious problem of treating this pathology. That is why it is important to develop and apply schemes with high therapeutic effectiveness. To identify the therapeutic effectiveness of the above schemes, control and experimental groups of cats with signs of pancreatitis were formed. In all animals, blood levels were necessarily monitored at the beginning and end of treatment. In our understanding, any therapeutic measures, as well as diagnostic ones, should be comprehensive, taking into account the nature and phase of the underlying disease, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases. The main measure for acute and chronic forms of pancreatitis should be dietary feeding with special therapeutic feeds and restoring the body's water-salt balance. The drugs should be used differentially for various forms of disorders, and the scheme itself should be not only cost-effective, but also as effective as possible. Keywords: pancreatitis, pancreas, cats, differential diagnosis, blood test, nonproductive animals, lipase, laboratory tests, ultrasound diagnostics, treatment, endocrine system. References 1. Esina D.I., Pervukhina I.Yu., Seleznev S.B. Morfologicheskoe issledovanie podzheludochnoy zhelezy sobak i koshek s ispolzovaniem metoda ultrazvukovoy diagnostiki [Morphological study of pancreas of dogs and cats using the ultrasound diagnostic method]. - RUDN Bulletin. - Moscow, 2011 (1). 2. Praktikum po vnutrennim boleznyam zhivotnykh: uchebnik [Workbook on internal diseases of animals: textbook]. - Lan. - Saint-Petersburg, 2018. - 544 p. 3. Romanova A.R., Burmenskaya G.A. Diagnostika pankreatita u sobak i koshek s ispolzovaniem laboratornykh metodov issledovaniya [Diagnostics of pancreatitis in dogs and cats with the use of laboratory research methods]. - KubGAU. -Krasnodar, 2018. - pp. 220-222. 4. Simpson D., Els R. Bolezni pishchevaritelnoy sistemy sobak i koshek [Digestive system diseases of dogs and cats]. - Aquarium-Print. - Moscow, 2013. - 348 p. Author affiliation: Shunaeva Anastasiya V., student of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; e-mail: tasa151698@gmail.com. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Burmenskaya Galina A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent of the department of therapy and pharmacology of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; e-mail: galburm@yandex.ru.