DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2021-2-32-33 Denisenko L.I. Summary. The article is devoted to the study of the use of probiotic feed additive containing Bacillus megaterium B-4801, Enterococcus faecium 1-35 in the diets of young chickens of the Czech Dominant cross. The aim of the study was to determine the growth rate of young laying hens and to analyze indicators of growing chickens in the egg direction. Author determined live weight, average daily gain, feed costs per 1 kg of gain, cost savings per 1 kg of gain. The experimental part of the work was carried out in the poultry farm in the Belgorod region. The objects of the study were chickens of the egg direction of the Czech Dominant cross at the age of 0-116 days. Two groups of chickens, using the method of pairs of analogs, kept in different cage batteries, receiving dry complete feed and without restricting access to water were formed. The control and experimental groups received the main diet. The experimental group of poultry additionally received Profort probiotic feed additive containing Bacillus megaterium B-4801, Enterococcus faecium 1-35 in an amount of 0.5 kg per 1 000 kg. During the study period the increase in live weight in the control group was less by 7.2% than in the experimental group. The average daily gain in the experiment was 7.7% more than in the control. Feed costs per 1 kg of gain were 6.7% lower in the experiment than in the control group. Saving feed costs per 1 kg of growth was 8.38 rubles in the experimental group of poultry. Keywords: poultry, replacement young growth, egg cross, poultry feeding, ration, compound feed, probiotic, probiotic additive Profort, live weight, average daily gain. References: 1. Buryakov N.P., Shchukina S.A., Gorst K.A. Bacillus megaterium: produtsent aminokislot i probiotik dlya selskokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh [Bacillus megaterium: amino acid producer and probiotic for farm animals]. - 2020. 2. Denisenko L.I. Intensivnost rosta i razvitiya molodnyaka kur-nesushek pri vklyuchenii v ratsion probioticheskoy dobavki «Profort» [Intensity of growth and development of young laying hens at the use of Profort probiotic additive in the diet]. - Vestnik KrasGAU. - Krasnoyarsk, 2020 (8 (161)). - pp. 96-100. 3. Egorov I.A., Manukyan V.A., Okolelova T.M., Lenkova T.N., Andrianova E.N., Shevyakov A.N., Egorova T.V., Egorova T.A., Baykovskaya E.Yu., Gogina N.N., Panin I.G., Grechishnikov V.V., Panin A.I., Sergachev P.A., Ryasnoy P.V., Afanasyev V.A., Ponomarenko Yu.A. Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po kormleniyu selskokhozyaystvennoy ptitsy [Methodological guide for poultry feeding]. - 2015. 4. Egorov I.A. Nauchnye aspekty pitaniya ptitsy [Scientific aspects of poultry nutrition]. - 2011. 5. Epimakhova E.E., Samokish N.V, Abilov B.T. Intensivnoe kormlenie selskokhozyaystvennykh ptits [Intensive poultry feeding]. - Lan. - Saint-Petersburg, 2020. - 92 p. 6. Ivanova N.N. Produktivnost tsyplyat-broylerov pri vklyuchenii v ratsion kompleksa dopolnitelnogo pitaniya [Productivity of broiler chickens with the inclusion of a complex of additional nutrition in the diet]. - Vestnik KrasGau. -Krasnoyarsk, 2020 (6 (159)). - pp. 223-228. 7. Kotarev V.I., Parshin P.A., Rypula K., Mikhaylov E.V., Chaplygina Yu.A., Shabunin B.V., Kurchaeva E.E. Vliyanie probiotikov «Profort» i «Zaslon 2+» na strukturnuyu organizatsiyu tonkogo otdela kishechnika broylerov krossa ross 308 i nesushek porody Cheshskiy dominant [Influence of Profort and Zaslon 2+ probiotics on the structural organization of the small intestine of broilers of the Ross 308 cross and layers of the Czech Dominant breed]. - Veterinarnyy farmakologicheskiy vestnik. - Voronezh, 2020 (3 (12)). - pp. 46-59. Author affiliation: Denisenko Larisa I., postgraduate student of the feed quality assessment laboratory of the All-Russian Scientific Research Veterinary Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy; 114 b, Lomonosov st., Voronezh, Voronezh region, 394087; phone: 8-908-1412661; e-mail: denisenko09a@yandex.ru - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.