DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2020-2-17-20 Chernykh O.Yu., Mishchenko A.V., Mishchenko V.A., Semakina V.P., Karaulov A.K., Krivonos R.A. Summary. Senecavirus infection is manifested by vesicular lesions of the skin of the distal parts of the limbs, patch and mammary gland in adult pigs and epizootic transient neonatal disease of newborn piglets. According to clinical signs and pathological changes, vesicular senecavirus infection in fattening pigs and adult pigs is indistinguishable from foot and mouth disease, porcine vesicular disease, porcine vesicular exanthema and vesicular stomatitis. The causative agent of senecavirus infection is a small, non-enveloped virus containing RNA coated with a protein capsid. Возбудитель относится к семейству Picornaviridae, роду Senecavirus. According to the data of 2019 senecavirus infection has been reported in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Colombia, China, Thailand, and Vietnam. There is a tendency to widespread senecavirus. A number of researchers believe that in the US, senecavirus infection has become endemic. Outbreaks of senecavirus infection in the Heilujiang province of China represent the greatest threat to pig breeding in the Russian Federation, since this province borders with Primorsky, Khabarovsk, the Jewish Autonomous and Amur regions. Experimentally proved the possibility of infection of pigs with senecavirus by alimentary route. It has been established that certain food ingredients are risk factors for the movement of viruses, including senecavirus, across the country and around the world. These results indicate a great risk of introducing senecavirus into Russia with feed ingredients. Isolation of senecavirus from samples of the lungs of sick pigs indicates a possible infection of animals by an aerogenous route. Senecavirus is excreted from the mouth out of the body of pigs, as well as with feces within 28 days. Keywords: virus, swine senecavirus vesicular disease, excretory pathways and pathogen distribution mechanisms, aerosol, secrets, excreta, direct contacts, contagiousness, contamination of bovine fetal serum and porcine trypsin, the USA, Canada, Brazil, Colombia, China, Thailand. References: 1. Bakly A., Kulsheshta V., Montyel N. et al. Senekavirus A: progress v ponimanii [Senecavirus A: progress in understanding]. - Sochi, 2016. - pp. 98-99. 2. Bakly A., Kulsheshta V., Montyel N. et al. Senekavirus A: noveyshaya informatsiya [Senecavirus A: latest information]. - Ufa, 2017. 3. Mishchenko A.V., Semakina V.P., Mishchenko V.A. et al. Massovye bolezni sviney s vezikulyarnym sindromom [Massive diseases of pigs with vesicular syndrome]. - Veterinariya. - Moscow, 2016 (7). - pp. 12-15. 4. Sokolov L.N., Spirin V.K., Egorova A.I. Osobennosti kultivirovaniya vozbuditeley vezikulyarnoy bolezni sviney i izuchenie immunobiologicheskogo rodstva shtammov virusa [Features of the cultivation of pathogens of porcine vesicular disease and the study of immunobiological kinship of virus strains]. - Kharkov, 2003: 528-531. 5-41. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Mishchenko Aleksey V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, senior scientific researcher of the information analysis center of the Federal Centre of Animal Health; mcrd. Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; phone: 8-4922-261551; e-mail: a.mischenko@mcx.ru. Mishchenko Vladimir A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, chief scientific researcher of the Laboratory of the prevention of diseases of pigs and horned cattle of the Federal Centre of Animal Health; mcrd. Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; phone: 8-4922-261551; e-mail: mishenko@arriah.ru. Semakina Valentina P., senior veterinarian of the Federal Centre of Animal Health; mcrd. Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901. Karaulov Anton K., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the information analysis center of the Federal Centre of Animal Health; mcrd. Yurjevets, Vladimir, Russia, 600901; phone: 8-4922-529967; e-mail: karaulov@arriah.ru. Krivonos Roman A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, head of the Veterinary Department of Krasnodar region; 36, Rashpilevskaya st., Krasnodar, 350000; phone: 8-861-2622869; e-mail: uv@krasnodar.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Chernykh Oleg Yu., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, director of the Kropotkin regional veterinary laboratory; 303, Krasnoarmeyskaya st., Kropotkin, 352380; phone: 8-918-4956659; e-mail: gukkvl50@kubanvet.ru.