DO110.33861/2071-8020-2019-2-25-27 Spotkay S.E. Summary. The use of papillary patterns of dog's nasal plane for individual identification is well known, however, properties inherited to papillary patterns of Canis lupus fam. species is underexplored. Author studied the properties of dogs' papillary patterns in connection with the need of scientific justification of the possibility of forensic and veterinary identification of dogs for specific patterns of nasal plane. Prints of nasal planes of 265 dogs were studied in the furtherance of the goal. The prints of 17 dogs were received additionally over time. Each of 265 prints has own unique ridge pattern. The particular features of patterns are not repeated even in closely related animals. Conducting the analysis of 17 additionally received prints, we made the conclusion that the configuration of elements o papillary pattern of nasal plane is not changed with the course of time. During the growth of animal, the polygonal planes, creating the elements of pattern only harmoniously increased in size. As the result of the study of control print and reprint of 2 dogs, which had the trauma of nasal plane in anamnesis, it was being noted that papillary patterns of crested skin has recoverability property, provided, however, that germinative layer of skin is not affected. Deep traumatic injury leaves a scar that distorts the papillary patterns. However, in other areas of the skin the set of identification features remains unchanged and can be used for identification. The conducted researches allowed determining three main properties of papillary patterns: individuality, invariability and recoverability, which will form the basis of dogs' forensic and veterinary identification method by specific patterns of nasal plane. Key words: properties of papillary pattern, elements of papillary pattern, forensic and veterinary identification, nasal plane, crested skin, prints of nasal plane, individuality, invariability and recoverability, dogs. Referenses: - Mazover A.P., Krushinskiy L.V., Izrailevich I.E., Ilinskiy S.A., Inkov N.M., Stogov K.S., Vanichev M.I., Orlov A.P., Rylov V.V., Sakharov N.A. Sluzhebnaya sobaka: rukovodstvo po podgotovke i soderzhaniyu sluzhebnykh sobak [Service dog: guide for training and care of service dogs]. - Domodedovo, 1994. - p. 122.
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Author affiliation: Spotkay Svetlana E., post-graduate student of the department of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise, Histology and Pathology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology of the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Scryabin; 68, Mederov st., Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, 720005; ph.: +996-550-323415; e-mail: svetavet@mail.ru - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.