DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2019-2-11-14 Sanin A.V, Savoyskaya S.L., Kozhevnikova T.N., Sanina V.Yu., Sosnovskaya O.Yu. Summary. One of the most important tasks of modern veterinary medicine is to ensure the safety of young animals in the early postnatal period, as newborn calves often suffer not only from immunodeficiency, but also from violations of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchopneumonia, feed intoxication, as well as severe anemia. One of the most popular preparations used for the correction of such pathologies is Gamavit, known to stimulate the natural resistance of the organism and successfully used in animal husbandry. In this review some features of Gamavit use in newborn calves at various pathologies are considered. It is shown that injection of Gamavit to pregnant cows prevents postnatal deaths, promotes natural resistance of newborn calves, reduces development of gastrointestinal diseases and increases weight gain. Shown is the high preventive activity of Gamavit in bronchopneumonia in newborn calves, which leads to a 3-fold decrease in the incidence of the disease. After inoculation of Gamavit to newborn calves at a dose of 0.025 ml/kg for 3 days there is an increase in the bactericidal and lysozyme activity of blood serum, as well as in phagocytic activity and other factors of innate immunity. Gamavit has been successfully used for prevention and correction of anemia, as well as for reducing the adverse effects of ecotoxicants on the calves. It was found that Gamavit increase the production of growth hormone in calves, due to which there is a substantial increase in body weight. It is proposed to use Gamavit in dairy cattle breeding to increase the average daily growth of calves, especially in those animals that had low live weight at birth. It is estimated that the use of Gamavit provides high economic efficiency. Key words: pregnant cows, calves, immunomodulators, Gamavit, natural immunity, ecotoxicants, safety, growth hormone, growth, increase in body weight, productivity. References: - Abramova I.A., Akmatova E.K., Soburov K.A. Vliyanie Gamavita na estestvennuyu rezistentnost telyat [Influence of Gamavit on natural resistance of calves]. - Nauka i novye tekhnologii. - Bishkek, 2008 (1-2). - pp. 52-54.
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Author affiliation: Sanin Aleksandr V., D.Sc. in Biology, professor of the Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8-499-193-43-55; e-mail: saninalex@inbox.ru. Savoyskaya Svetlana V., Ph.D. in Veterenary Medicine, chief scientific researcher of the laboratory of cellular immunity of the Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8-499-1905851; e-mail: info@gamaleya.org. Sanina Valentina Yu., Ph.D. in Chemistry, chief scientific researcher of the laboratory of cellular immunity of the Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8-499-1905851; e-mail: info@gamaleya.org. Sosnovskaya Olga Yu, Ph.D. in Biology, chief scientific researcher of the laboratory of cellular immunity of the Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8(499)1905851; e-mail: info@gamaleya.org. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kozhevnikova Tatyana N., Ph.D. in Medicine, scientific researcher of the laboratory of cellular immunity of the Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8-499-1905851; e-mail: tatiana@micro-plus.ru.