DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2019-2-8-10 Semina L.K., Avduevskyа N.N., Skulyabins Z.A., Timoshina S.V. Summary. Modern preparations in the form of syringes for intracisternal introduction, which differ in their composition and content or absence of the anti-inflammatory hormonal component, prednisolone, are currently used at the farms of Vologda region for the treatment of cows at mastitis. Results of the study of sensitivity of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic staphylococci cultures, isolated from the secret of the udder of cows at mastitis from 11 cattleranches (14 farms) in Vologda region, to 23 complex antimicrobial preparations in syringes with regard to their separation into preparations, containing a hormonal substance - prednisolone, and preparations without it, are presented in the article. Preparations for determining the sensitivity of staphylococci were selected individually, taking into account their use in a single farm. According to the results of the research, the indices of the difference in the average sensitivity of isolated microflora to hormonal preparations in the whole surveyed farms compared with preparations that do not contain prednisolone were insignificant and amounted to 2.4±0.036 mm (P> 0.999) with wavering in farms from 15 up to 42 mm. Comparative analysis results of the use of each individual preparation in the examined farms showed a slight difference in the mean values of the zones of microbial growth delay on the nutrient medium between the indicated preparations (d = 2.2 ± 0.02 mm with P> 0.999). Thus, the values of microorganism growth inhibition zones both for hormonal and hormone-free preparations have significant variations both in the indicated antibiotics and in farms, which must be considered during selecting preparations for effective treatment of mastitis in cows. Authors consider it more appropriate to treat cows with acute inflammation of the mammary gland tissues, as well as first heifers, by non-hormonal antimicrobial preparations for intracisternal introduction considering the presence of side effects at the use of hormonal preparations. Key words: cows, mastitis, hormonal preparations, intracisternal administration, prednisone, hormone-free drugs, staphylococci sensitivity, microflora growth inhibition zone, composition of preparations. References: - Avduevskyа N.N. Chuvstvitelnost zolotistogo stafilokokka, vydelennogo iz vymeni bolnykh mastitom korov, k kompleksnym preparatam antimikrobnogo deystviya [Sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from udder of cows sick with mastitis, to complex preparations of antimicrobial action]. - 2017 (3). - pp. 56-59.
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Author affilation: Semina Lyudmila K., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, head of the department for study of animal diseases of noncontagious etiology of the Vologda branch of the Federal Research Center - All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Skryabin and Ya.R. Kovalenko RAS; 10, Chekhova st., Vologda, 160009. Skulyabina Zoya A., senior scientific researcher of the department for study of animal diseases of noncontagious etiology of the Vologda branch of the Federal Research Center - All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Skryabin and Ya.R. Kovalenko RAS; 10, Chekhova st., Vologda, 160009. Timoshina Svetlana V., head of the Vologda branch of the Federal Research Center - All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Skryabin and Ya.R. Kovalenko RAS; 10, Chekhova st., Vologda, 160009. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Avduevskya Natalya N., researcher of the department for study of animal diseases of noncontagious etiology of the Vologda branch of the Federal Research Center - All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Skryabin and Ya.R. Kovalenko RAS; 10, Chekhova st., Vologda, 160009; e-mail: natali.avduevskaya@mail.ru.