UDC 619:615:636.2 + 619:618.14-002:636.2 Rafikova E. R. Summary. Study focused on testing the effect of a new preparation Vetom 21.77 on hematomorphological parameters of blood in birds is described in the article. No similar studies on the drug had been conducted. Five-day-old Hubbard ISA F15 broiler chickens (102 ± 4 g) have been the subject of the research. The birds were divided into a control and 4 test groups, 20 each. In the test groups, the drug was dosed at 2, 5, 50 and 300 pl / kg of body weight in addition to the main diet. In the control group, the drug was not administered. The studied parameters monitoring had been made before the study, and then on 2nd and 7th days of daily administration of the drug (once a day) at the above doses in the test groups. According to the results of the study, the hematomorphological parameters remained within the physiologically normal values during Vetom 21.77 administration at the above doses in all treatment groups, as well as in the control group. Statistically significant increases in erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels were detected in blood of the treated birds. It is concluded that there was no negative effect of the drug on the physiological status of the studied birds organisms. Keywords: Vetom 21.77, hematological indices, Duddingtonia flagrans, broiler chickens, dose, toxicity, erythrocytes, hemoglobin. References: 1. Bessarabov B.F. Laboratornaya diagnostika klinicheskogo i immunobiologicheskogo statusa u sel'skokhozyaystvennoy ptitsy [Laboratory diagnostics of clinical and immunobiological status in agricultural poultry]. -KolosS. - Moscow, 2008. - 152 p. 2. Rafikova E. R., Nozdrin G. A. Predvaritel'noye issledovaniye po opredeleniyu klassa toksichnosti novogo probioticheskogo preparata Vetom 21.77 [Preliminary investigation on toxicity class determination of new probiotic preparation Vetom 21.77]. - Veterinariya, zootekhniya i biotekhnologiya. - 2017 (9). - pp. 51-55. 3-10.Vide supra. Author affiliation: Rafikova Elmira R., post-graduate student of the Novosibirsk State Agrarian University; 160, Dobrolyubova st., Novosibirsk, 630039; ph.: 8-913-9582964; e-mail: pchelka_leta@mail.ru - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.