UDC 619:616.98:578.824.11 Astrakhantsev V.A., Abramov K.M., Chernov А.№, Efimova M.A., Voskresensky S.B., Gruzdev K.N., Krivonos R.A., Chernykh O.Yu., Koshchaev A.G., Lysenko A.A. Summary. Results of epizootic analysis, features of the manifestation of rabies infection in Moscow region and the incidence rates of various animal species are presented in the article. According to the reporting data, from 2010 to 2016, 27,389 virological studies were carried out, of which 1,538 positive rabies results were detected. The 3-5-year periodicity of rabies epizootic manifestation among agricultural, domestic and wild animal species is established. High outbreaks of rabies in Moscow region were registered in 2012 and 2015, in the 10 months of 2017, 126 cases of rabies were registered in 36 municipal areas, of which 56 cases are foxes and 47 cases are for domestic animals. The main source and distributor of rabies in the Moscow region are foxes, whose share among the diseased wild animals in 2012-2016 accounted for 55.2%. Seasonality of rabies among animals is closely related to the biology of foxes. Calculation of epizootic indicators and tension of epizootic situation by years showed that it is necessary to carry out depopulation of wild carnivores to the recommended density. In areas with an increased density of wild animals, persistent natural foci of rabies are formed. In accordance with the Plan of antiepizootic and antiepidemic measures for the prevention of rabies in humans and animals in the Moscow region, months are spent, in 2016 552207 domestic animals were vaccinated in the administrative areas, 1051100.00 thd of the vaccine RABIVAK O / 333 for oral immunization of wild carnivores. The amount of costs for anti-epizootic activities in the Ministry of Defense for the period from 2010-2016. was 210570371.68 rubles. Keywords: animal rabies, epizootic situation, wild carnivores, prevention of rabies, hunting grounds, fox, vaccination, Moscow region. References: 1. Avilov V.M., Gusev A.A., Savin A.V. Epizooticheskoye sostoyaniye i effektivnost provodimykh meropriyatiy protiv beshenstva zhivotnykh v Rossii [Epizootic state and effectiveness of measures against rabies of animals in Russia]. - Veterinariya. - Moscow, 2002 (6). - pp. 3-6. 2. Gulyukin A.M. Epizootologicheskiy monitoring i sovershenstvovaniye serologicheskogo kontrolya effektivnosti vakatsinoprofilaktiki beshenstva [Epizootologic monitoring and perfection of serological control of the effectiveness of rabies vaccination prophylaxis]. - Kazan, 2011. - 27 p. 3. Makarov V.V., Vorobiev A.A. Aktualnyye problemy beshenstva: prirodnaya ochagovost, metodologiya issledovaniya i kontrolya v tsentre Rossii [Actual problems of rabies: natural focality, research and control methodology in the center of Russia]. - Veterinarnaya patologiya. - Moscow, 2004 (3). - pp. 102116. 4-5. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Astrakhantsev Vladimir A., graduate student of the department of biosafety of the Federal Center for Toxic and Radiation Safety of Animals, leading veterinarian of the Sergiev Posad Veterinary Station; 255 B, Krasnoy armii ave., Sergiev Posad, 141303; ph.: 8-496-5424522. Abramov Konstantin M., Ph. D. in Biology, Veterinary Laboratory manager of the Sergiev Posad Veterinary Station; 255 B, Krasnoy armii ave., Sergiev Posad, 141303; ph.: 8-496-5424522. Efimova Marina A., D. Sc. in Biology, Immunology Laboratory manager of the Federal Center for Toxic and Radiation Safety of Animals; Nauchniy Gorodok 2, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, 420075; e-mail: marina-2004r@mail.ru. Voskresensky Sergey B., Ph. D. in Technology, Head of the Territorial Veterinary Department № 2; 1, 43 A, Olimpiyskiy ave., Mytishchi, 141006; ph.: 8495-5924512; e-mail: voskresenskiysb@tervetmo02.ru. Gruzdev Konstantin N., ikolaevich, D. Sc. in Biology, professor, Chief Expert of the Information and Analytic Center (IAC) of the Federal Center for Animal Health; Yurievets microdistrict, Vladimir, 600901; ph.: 8-4922-260614; e-mail: mail@ arriah.ru. Krivonos Roman A., head of the Veterinary Department of Krasnodar region; 36, Rashpilevskaya st., Krasnodar, 350000; ph.: 8-861-2621923; e-mail: sinkubani@mail.ru. Chernykh Oleg Yu., D. Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Director of the Kropotkin regional veterinary laboratory; 303, Krasnoarmeyskaya st., Kropotkin, Krasnodar region, 352380; ph.: 8-86138-62314; e-mail: gukkvl50@kubanvet.ru. Koshchaev Andrey G., D. Sc. in Biology, professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; ph.: 8-861-2215637; e-mail: kagbio@mail.ru. Lysenko Aleksander A., D. Sc. in Veterinary Medicine. Professor, professor of the department of therapy and pharmacology of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; e-mail: vet.kubgau@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Chernov Albert N., D. Sc. in Biology, Deputy Director the Federal Center for Toxic and Radiation Safety of Animals; Nauchniy Gorodok 2, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, 420075; e-mail: rt-kazan@mail.ru.