UDC 619:611.013.8 Krishtoforova B.V., Sayenko N.V. Summary. Fetal parts of the placenta of the cow, horses, pigs and bitches, obtained by separating them within the physiological norm, were examined. The methods of anatomical preparation, macro- and micromorphometry were used. The macromorphometric parameters of the fetal part of the placenta in female domestic mammals, the location and branching of the chorion villus, were found out. The results of the studies showed that the fetal part of the placenta in the animal species under study is an organ consisting of a connective tissue that is interconnected with the epithelium, which performs the main function of providing the plastics with plastic substances and oxygen, regardless of the type of placenta and the maturity of the mammal species. The ratio of the structural components of the fetal part of the placenta was established at the base of the chorion. As the branching of the villi grows, the ratio of the structural components changes, namely, the amount of connective tissue formed solely by its constituent part of the basic substance, the blood vessels and the epithelium increases. The main substance of the structural component of loose fibrous connective tissue in the terminal villus in the fetal part of the placenta of different types of placenta of the cow, horse, pig and dog bitch is the third part in relation to the epithelium and capillaries. The staple structure of the fetal part of the placenta is provided by the basic substance, and its shape - fibrous structures and blood vessels of the placental circulatory system. The main substance is a structural component that provides diffuse metabolism and oxygen in the placenta. A similar connective tissue structure of the provisional organ in domestic mammals provides growth and development of the fetus, which determines their viability after birth, regardless of the maturonality or immaturonality species. Keywords: fetal part of placenta, provisional organ, chorion villus, loose connective tissue, basic substance, fibers, blood vessels, epithelium, structure relationships, female animals. References: 1. Avtandilov G.G. Meditsinskaya morfometriya [Medical morphometry]. - Meditsina. - Moscow, 1990. - 384 p. 2. Baymishev Kh.B., Krishtoforova B.V., Lemeshchenko V.V. et al. Biologicheskiye osnovy veterinarnoy neonatologii: monografiya [Biological basis of veterinary neonatology: monograph]. - Samara. - 2013. - 452 p. 3. Eliseev V.G. Soedinotelnaya tkan [Connecting tissue]. - Moscow, 1961. - 416 p. 4. Saenko N.V., Krishtoforova B.V. Osobennosti vzaimootnosheniy strukturnykh komponentov i krovenosnykh sosudov fetalnoy chasti platsenty korov [Properties of structural components and the relationship of the blood vessels of the fetal placenta]. - 2015: 131-138. 5. Sidorova N.S., Mozharov I.O. Fetoplatsentarnaya nedostatochnost. Kliniko-diagnosticheskie aspekty [Fetoplacental insufficiency. Clinical and diagnostic aspects]. - Nauka. - Moscow, 2000. - 126 p. 6. Sivkova T.N. Morfologiya platsenty pod vliyaniem metabolitov lichinok anizakid [Morphology of the placenta under the influence of metabolites of anisakid larvae]. - Pechatnyy dvor. - Kazan, 2009 (6). - pp. 148-151. 7. Siraziev R.Z, Igumnov G.A, Chernykh V.G. Gistofiiziologiya matki i platsenty sviney [Histophysiology of the uterus and placenta of pigs]. - Ulan-Ude, 2004. - 226 p. 8-9.Vide supra. Author affiliation: Krishtoforova Bessa V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the department of anatomy and animal physiology of Academy of Life and Environmental Sciences of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky; Agrarnoe, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295492. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Saenko Natalia V., Ph. D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent of the department of anatomy and animal physiology of Academy of Life and Environmental Sciences of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky; 804, 7, Parkovaya st., Agrarnoe, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295492; e-mail: nvsaenko@list.ru.