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Issues / 02/18 Print

African swine fever as a natural and focal disease of the Russian Federation

UDC 619:616.98:578.833.31(470+571)

Machnev A.N., Poklonsky D.L., Eryomin G.G., Sherbashev K.A., Boyko O.S., Lazarev I.V., Krivonos R.A.

Summary. During the last ten years, the African swine fever virus has been gradually spreading across the Russian Federation, causing significant economic damage to pig farms and personal subsidiary farms. Despite the taken measures the distribution area of the ASF extended in 2011 beyond the southern regions of Russia, where it has been spreading since 2008. So, since 2011, numerous cases of diseases among domestic pigs are registered in the regions of the Central and Volga federal districts, isolated cases - in the North-West federal district. Simultaneously, there is an expansion of the distribution area of the ASF in the wild fauna and the formation of the ASF foci in the regions of the Central and Volga federal districts. Wild boar is the main virus carrier in the wild fauna at the territory of Russia. As a result of the interaction of the population of the causative agent of the ASF and the population of wild boar, its widespread distribution, high numbers and inaccessibility of wild boar habitats, all necessary conditions have been created for the ASF to become a natural focal disease in a large territory of Russia. The way out of this situation is the achievement of the so-called «epizootic chain rupture», when the opportunity for spreading the pathogen is eliminated in a certain zone - that is, a temporary absence of susceptible animals is provided (in the case of ASH - domestic pigs in farms and wild boars - natural reservoir of this infection).

Keywords: African swine fever, wild boar, pig breeding, susceptible animal, virus, natural focal disease, epizootic situation, outbreak, epizootic focus.


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Author affiliation:

Poklonsky Dmitry L., D. Sc. in Technology, Scientific-Research center Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; 13, Brigadirsky lane, Moscow, 105005.

Eryomin Gennady G., Ph.D. in Medicine, Scientific-Research center Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; 13, Brigadirsky lane, Moscow, 105005.

Sherbashev Konstantin A., Scientific-Research center Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; 13, Brigadirsky lane, Moscow, 105005.

Boyko Oleg S., Scientific-Research center Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; 13, Brigadirsky lane, Moscow, 105005.

Lazarev Ivan V., Scientific-Research center Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; 13, Brigadirsky lane, Moscow, 105005.

Krivonos Roman A., head of the State Veterinary Department of Krasnodar region; 36, Rashpilevskaya st., Krasnodar, 350000; ph.: 8-861-2621923; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Machnev Aleksey N., head of the department for organizing of antiepizootic activities of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation; 1/11, Orlikov lane, Moscow, 107139; ph.: 8-499-9755515.


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