UDC 619:615.285:612.12:636.7 Smyslova P.Yu., Gerunova L.K., Tolmachev V.A. Summary. Cases of infestation of service dogs by Ixodes ticks are often recorded in spring and autumn. Bites of ticks lead to the development of vectorborne diseases. One of the most popular insectoacaricide are preparations based on fipronil and the insect growth regulators in the form of drops on the withers. The purpose of the research was to analyze the morphological and biochemical parameters of dogs’ blood in treated with the preparation based on fipronil. The research was conducted with 10 dogs in the zonal center of dogs service of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Omsk region and on the basis of the department of diagnostics, the internal non-communicable diseases, pharmacology, surgery and obstetrics in the Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University. Blood samples were taken twice with an interval of thirty days to establish the background of morphological and biochemical parameters, and then 5% fipronil in amount of 4.5 ml for dogs of 20-40 kg was once applied in the area of the withers. Blood tests were repeated after thirty and sixty days after the use of preparation. Authors found that leukocytosis develops with advantageous increase in the number of granulocytes, marked the increase in average anisocytosis, ALT and total protein content in blood serum, with no clinical signs of intoxication. Morphobiochemical changes in the blood after the single use of the preparation are reversible, but dogs are subjected to preventive treatment to 8 times during the season, that leads to persistent changes of morphobiochemical and negative consequences. Keywords: dogs, German shepherd, insectoacaricide, fipronil, blood serum, blood plasma, blood cells, hemoglobin, spot-on, antiparasitic treatment. References: 1. Gerunova L.K., Smyslova P.Yu. Otsenka gematotropnogo deistviia fipronila i permetrina v sostave osheinika Rolf Club premium® na modeli laboratornykh krys [Evaluation of hematotropic action of fipronil and permethrin in the composition of the Rolf Club premium® collar on the model of laboratory rats]. – Veterinarnye nauki. – Sofiia, 2014 (42). – pp. 74-78. 2. Gerunova L.K., Smyslova P.Yu. Korrektsiia Timalinom® gematotoksicheskikh effektov insektoakaritsidnykh preparatov Dana Ultra® i Deliks® na modeli laboratornykh krys [Timalin® correction of hepatotoxic effects of Dana Ultra® and Delix® insectoacaricides on the model of laboratory rats]. – 2015: 378. 3. Denisenko V.N., Kesareva E.A. Klinicheskaia interpretatsiia biokhimicheskikh pokazatelei syvorotki krovi sobak i koshek [Clinical interpretation of biochemical parameters of dogs’ and cats’ blood serum]. – Kolos. – Moscow, 2011. – 28 p. 4. Royt A., Brostoff Dzh., Meyl D. Immunologiia [Immunology]. – Mir. – Moscow, 2000. – pp. 2-7. 5. Tvedten G., Tornval’d G., Uillard M. Laboratornaia diagnostika v klinike melkikh domashnikh zhivotnykh [Laboratory diagnostics in small animals’ clinic]. – Akvarium Print. – Moscow, 2004 – 432 p. Author affiliation: Gerunova Ludmila K., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, professor of the department of diagnostics and internal non-contagious diseases, surgery and obstetrics of Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University; address: 71-31, Vavilova st., Omsk, 644122; phone: 8(903)9823090; e-mail: gerliud@mail.ru. Tolmachev Vladimir A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of Service (veterinary) CSC Police Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Omsk region; 3/3, Yeniseiskaia st., Omsk, 644011; phone: 8(908)3192403; e-mail: wat.tolm@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Smyslova Polina Yu., post-graduate student of the department of diagnostics and internal noncontagious diseases, surgery and obstetrics of Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University; 97-5, Lapteva st., Omsk, 644100; phone: 8(961)8849666; e-mail: rusakova.polina@inbox.ru.