UDC 615.838.7:636.2 Beloborodenko M.A., Beloborodenko T.A., Beloborodenko A.M., Beloborodenko D.F., Demkina A.V., Gubskiy V.I., Rodin I.A., Dubrovin I.I., Pisareva Yu.A. Summary. Year-round stabling, physical inactivity lead to significant morphological and functional changes in the organs of reproduction in cows and for a long period of infertility. Retrospective analysis showed that in some farms of the region annually receives less from 100 cows 35 % of the offspring, and the cause of infertility are eliminated from the herd more than 40%, the number of cows culled, high costs and loss of milk production, as well as from keeping, feeding and treatment of infertile animals. Hemodynamic disorders in the reproductive organs associated with prolonged physical inactivity, change of reactivity and adapted reactions of the body. Cows and heifers for a long time are in the premises on the stall maintenance and in the absence of active walks and UV radiation, very often miss rut, and intensive milking, she does not manifest itself. Duration of infertility in cows in some farms is 150-180 days. Development of effective environmentally friendly and safe technologies for animals and humans is an urgent task of contemporary livestock production. Suggested remedies sapropel and peloidin are products of nature, which contain rich chemical composition close to the body of farm animals. The original method of intrarectal administration of these drugs to cows in the postpartum period allows you to prevent many gynecological diseases. The effectiveness of treatment - 93,3, prevention - of 94.7. The proposed technology provides not only high efficiency, but also to receive environmentally friendly products. Keywords: large horned cattle, year-round stabling, physical inactivity, reproductive disorders, infertility cows, prevention, sapropel, peloidin, environmentally friendly products, fertility. References: 1. Beloborodenko A.M, Dunaev P.V. Profilaktika besplodiya i poslerodovykh oslozhnenii u korov [Prevention of infertility and obstetric sequela in cows]. – Tumen, 2000. – pp. 103-112. 2. Bychkov K.M. Kora golovnogo mozga i vnutrennie organy [Cerebral cortex and internal organs]. – 1947. – 180 p. 3. Kovalev V.F. Sapropelevye zalezhi B-Taraskul v sb. Sapropeli gruppy Tiumenskikh ozer i ikh lechebnye svoistva [Sapropelic deposits B-Taraskul in Sapropels group of Tyumen lakes and their healing properties]. – Tyumen, 1956. 4. Nezhdanov A.G. Obshchaia nespetsificheskaia rezistentnost i vosproizvoditelnaia funktsiia korov [Total non-specific resistance and reproductive function of cows]. – Voronezh, 1981. – pp. 53-58. 5. Studentsov A.P. Likvidatsiia besplodiia – verneishii rezerv uvelicheniia moloka i miasa [Elimination of infertility – reserve of increase of milk and meat]. Kazan, 1961. 6. Shipilov V.S. Vosproizvodstvu zhivotnykh povsednevnoe vnimanie [Animal reproduction – daily attention]. – Veterinariia. – Moscow, 1983 (1). 7. Eishtein V.V. Fiziko-khimicheskaia i geokhimicheskaia kharakteristika sapropelei oz. Tulbaevo, Bolshoi i Malyi Taraskul i Lebiazhie [Physico-chemical and geochemical characteristics of sapropel lake Tulbaevo, Bolshoe and Maloe Taraskul i Lebiazhie]. – Tyumen, 1956. – p. 170. Author affiliation: Beloborodenko Mikhail A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the department of internal noncontagious diseases of the State Agrarian University of Northern Zauralye; 7, Respubliki st., 625003, Tyumen, Tyumen region; phone: 8(3452)461643; e-mail: beloborodenko@mail.ru. Beloborodenko Tatiana A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the department of internal noncontagious diseases of the State Agrarian University of Northern Zauralye; 7, Respubliki st., 625003, Tyumen, Tyumen region; phone: 8(3452)461643; e-mail: ambeloborodenko@mail.ru. Beloborodenko Anatoliy M., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, head of the department of internal noncontagious diseases of the State Agrarian University of Northern Zauralye; 7, Respubliki st., 625003, Tyumen, Tyumen region; phone: 8(3452)461643; e-mail: ambeloborodenko@mail.ru. Beloborodenko Dmitriy F., veterinarian, intern of the department of internal noncontagious diseases of the State Agrarian University of Northern Zauralye; 7, Respubliki st., 625003, Tyumen, Tyumen region; phone: 8(3452)461643; e-mail: beloborodenko@mail.ru. Demkina Anastasia V., senior laboratory assistant of the department of internal noncontagious diseases of the State Agrarian University of Northern Zauralye; 7, Respubliki st., 625003, Tyumen, Tyumen region; phone: 8(3452)461643; e-mail: beloborodenko@mail.ru. Gubskiy Vladimir I., veterinarian, graduate student of the State Agrarian University of Northern Zauralye; 7, Respubliki st., 625003, Tyumen, Tyumen region; phone: 8(3452)461643; e-mail: beloborodenko@mail.ru. Rodin Igor A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the department of anatomy, veterinary obstetrics and surgery of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8(861)2215835; e-mail: d22003807@mail.ru. Dubrovin Ivan I., veterinarian, graduate student of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8(918)4472644; e-mail: 1239991119@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Pisareva Yulia A., veterinarian, graduate student of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8(915)5787650; e-mail: yulashapisareva-07@mail.ru.