UDC 619:578:616.98:578.828.11 Kryukova E.N., Samuylenko A.Ya., Melnik R.N., Elnikov V.V., Krasutkin S.N., Litenkova I.Yu., Melnik N.V., Borovoy V.N., Dresvyannikova S.G. Summary. Stable transplanted cell lines of agricultural and commercial animals derived from different organs and tissues of embryos and young animals, are of considerable interest to veterinary science and practice. Development of methods of cultivation of cells in vitro, as well as familiarization of these methods by experts helped to solve many problems of real production of virus-vaccines and diagnostic kits. Protein content of the cells depends on the type, population density and culture medium composition. Scientific data for improving the nutrient medium production technology for suspension culture of mammalian cells are presented in the article. On the basis of literary analysis the essential amino acids which are included in the nutrient media, and their basic functions that they can perform in the cultivation process of mammalian cells are given. The technical result of the research is the creation of economically profitable nutrient medium for suspension cultivation of BHK-21 cells in the context of mass bio-manufacturing of cultural vaccines production. The nutrient medium provides cells accumulation during suspension cultivation of transplantable cell line BHK-21 to (3,9-4,2) – 106 cells/cm3 in comparison with the known technical solution, where the maximum accumulation of cells was 3.5-106 cells/cm3. Thus, the technical solution of designing the nutrient medium for suspension cultivation of mammalian cells allows to improve the yield of mammalian cells’ culture. Keywords: amino acid, nutrient medium, cell culture, protein synthesis, cell growth, filters, reactors, technological production schemes, suspension culture, buffer capacity, titration. References: 1. Vitaker A. Sreda dlia kultivirovaniia kletok mlekopitaiushchikh [Mammalian cells cultivation medium]. – Mir. – Moscow, 1976. 2. Diakonov L.P., Koniukhov A.F., Vasilevich E.N., Kostina I.Iu., Koroteeva L.A., Rasulev O.S. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po izgotovleniiu i ispolzovaniiu pitatelnykh sred i rastvorov dlia mikrobiologicheskikh tseley, kultivirovaniia kletok i virusov [Methodical recommendations for producing and applying of nutrient media and solutions for microbiological purposes, cultivation of cells and viruses]. – p.68. 3. 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Elnikov Vasiliy V., Ph.D. in Biology, chief technologist of the Shchelkovo Biokombinat; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8(983)948035; e-mail: velnikov@yandex.ru. Krasutkin Sergey N., Ph.D. in Biology, antiviral production advisor of the Shchelkovo Biokombinat; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8(985)3948031; e-mail: krasotkin@biocombinat.ru. Litenkova Irina Yu., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, chief technologist of the scientific-research work of the Shchelkovo Biokombinat; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8(985)3948034; e-mail: litenkova2012@mail.ru. Melnik Nikolay V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, president of the National Association of veterinary-biological industry (Vetbioprom); 11/1, Sadovo-Spasskaia st., Moscow, 107139; phone: 8(905)5450346; e-mail: a-vbp@mail.ru. Borovoy Vladimir N., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, director of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation; 11/1, Sadovo-Spasskaia st., Moscow, 107139; phone: 8(916)2369350; e-mail: borovoi-vn@mail.ru. Dresvyannikova Svetlana G., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the Krasnodar regional station of fighting against animal diseases; 15/1, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8(861)2216360; e-mail: kraivet.dsg@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Melnik Roman N., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, head of the department of the All-Russian scientific-research and technological institute of biological production; Biocombinat, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8(926)8510696; e-mail: mromanos@mail.ru.