UDC 614.9 Tikhonyuk M.V. Summary. Dominant aspects of virus which is the causative agent of African swine fever (ASF) are described in the article. The ASF virus causes a haemorrhagic fever with high mortality rates in pigs (which may be as high as 100% in domestic pigs), but persistently infects its natural hosts, warthogs, bush pigs and ticks of the Ornithodoros genus. Wild boars and other indigenous wild pig species are regarded to be vectors as well as may show only minor signs of disease. Tests in the State Science Institution National Research Institute of Veterinary Virology and Microbiology of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences were performed to show efficacy of Incimaxx T, new glutaral based disinfectant for use in the agriculture. Two out of three pigs died within 6-8 days after being held on contaminated concrete surfaces and after treatment of a 0.75% Incimaxx® T solution (0.5 hour incubation and 0.3 l/m2 application). Typical ASF symptoms were registered within 4 days, after which animals died within 2-3 days. After exposure time of 1 hour mortality rate was significantly lower and no one died. Also, after treatment where 1% of Incimaxx® T solution was used, no death cases were reported even after exposure time of 0.5 hour. Authors proved the practical value of a number of components and active ingredients in Incimaxx® T by offered by ECOlab. Incimaxx® T combines strong disinfecting power to possess optimized performance. Keywords: Incimaxx® T, bio-security, viral contamination, hygiene, disinfection, disease prevention, sanitation facilities, destruction of viruses and bacteria, quality control. References: 1. Kudryashev A.A., Kalishin N.M., Kuzmin V.A. Algoritm deystviya gosudarstvennoy veterinarnoy sluzhby subyekta Rossiyskoy Federatsii pri ugroze vozniknoveniya afrikanskoy chumy sviney [Algorithm steps of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation at African swine fever]. – Saint-Petersburg, 2013. 2. Bakulo v I.A., Vologina I.V. Epizooticheskaya situatsiya po osobo opasnym boleznyam zhivotnykh v 2007-2008 [Epizootic situation on a particularly dangerous animal diseases in 2007-2008]. – Pokrov, 2008. 3. Polyakov A.A. Rukovodstvo po veterinarnoy sanitarii [Veterinary Sanitation Guide]. – Agropromizdat. – Moscow, 1986. Author affiliation: Tikhonyuk Maksim V., Sales Manager of the CJSC "ECOLAB"; 10, bld. 4, Letnikovskaya Str., Moscow, 115114, Russia; 8(495)9807060 extra 7203; e-mail: maksim.tikhonuk@ecolab.com – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.