UDC 619:616.98:579.083.13:615.372 Vitkova O.N., Belousov V.I., Ivanova O.E., Bazarbaev S.B. Summary. Salmonellosis is recorded in all regions of the world. Salmonella bacteria are widely common among domestic and wild animals. Salmonellosis is registered as group and sporadic outbreaks. The greatest danger is posed by epidemiological animal-bacillicarriers due to lack of any signs of disease. 2 384 cultures of Salmonella of 24 serological variants were identified from farm animals and birds in 2012. Most often they were revealed in Penza (106), Moscow (64) Perm (56) and Tula (50) regions. 1 659 Salmonella strains were identified from fodders. According to the authors the highest number of cases were annually identified in poultry, horned cattle and pigs. It is proved that the greatest number of positive results were registered in birds (54%), cattle (18%) and pigs (18%). Most frequently following serological variants of Salmonella were allocated in animals in 2012: S. enteritidis (35,96%), S. typhimurium (13,7%), S. Dublin (11,19%), S. cholerae suis (10, 13%), S. gallinarum pullorum (8%). Causative agent of salmonellosis was detected in 2012 in products of animal origin in 804 cases, the largest number of which were identified in poultry (352), pork (217) and beef (105). In general, high resistance of Salmonella cultures to antimicrobial preparations used in testing is revealed (resistance was 40% or more). Authors studied etiological structure and distribution of Salmonella in animals. High resistance of Salmonella pathogens to preparations of penicillin group, cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones, polymyxin, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline was established by the authors. Keywords: Salmonella, strains, zoonoses, antibiotics, antibiotic resistance, laboratory tests, etiological structure, therapy, fodder, food. References: 1. Godovye otchety gosudarstvennykh veterinarnykh laboratoriy Rossiyskoy Federatsii po forme 4-Vet za 2012 i 2013 gody [Annual reports of the state veterinary laboratories of the Russian Federation on Form 4 for 2012 and 2013]. – Moscow, 2013. 2. Informatsionny byulleten referens-tsentra po monitoringu za salmonellezami [Reference Monitoring Centre newsletter for salmonellosis]. – Moscow, 2012 (23). – 65 p. 3. Informatsionny byulleten referens-tsentra po monitoringu za salmonellezami [Reference Monitoring Centre newsletter for salmonellosis]. – Moscow, 2013 (25). – 69 p. 4. Chubenko N.V., Malysheva L.A., Kapelist I.V. Mikrobiologichesky control za kachestvom i bezopasnostyu pishchevoy produktsii [Microbiological control over quality and safety of food production]. – Veterinarnaya patologiya. – 2010 (4). – pp. 92-96. Author affiliation: Vitkova Olga N., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Vice Director of the Central Scientific-Methodical Veterinary Laboratory; 23, Oranzhereynaya st., Moscow, 111622; phone: 8(495)700-01-37; e-mail: cnmvl@cnmvl.ru. Ivanova Olga E., leading specialist-expert of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance; 1/11, Orlikov per., Moscow, 107139; phone: 8(495)607-51-11; e-mail: helga8705@mail.ru. Bazarbaev Serikbol B., Senior Lecturer of the Department of epizootiology and organization of veterinary affairs of the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology; 23, Akademika Skryabina st., Moscow, 109472; phone: 8(903) 518-04-48; e-mail: rector@mgavm.ru. Responsible for the correspondence with the editorial board: Belousov Vasily I., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, chief expert of the Central Scientific-Methodical Veterinary Laboratory; 23, Oranzhereynaya st., Moscow, 111622; phone: 8(495)700-01-37; e-mail: cnmvl@cnmvl.ru.