UDС 619:616. 1/.4.636.5 Semenenko M.P., Kuzminova E.V., Sokolov M.N., Kozlov Yu.V. Summary. Modern technology of broiler meat production is based on the maximum use of the genetic potential of poultry, that is often accompanied by errors in the conditions of feeding and keeping. In some age periods cases of mass poultry diseases with obviously expressed or latent pathological features, causing substantial damage to the poultry industry are observed. The article presents data on the study of age-related non-communicable disease features and patterns of disease of broiler chickens of ROSS 308 cross in autumn. Main diagnostic criteria were related to complex examination of infected broilers, including pathological and laboratory studies. Analysis of registered non-infectious etiology of pathological processes of broilers has showed that the main symptoms of disease and death of poultry occur in the initial period of post-embryonic development (omphalitis, yolk peritonitis were found in the first 7 days of life, urate diathesis was associated with the violation of the technology in the incubation period). Cases of liver diseases were reported in dead on the 15th day hens and steatosis – on the 25th day (75-80%). Biochemical studies of blood serum conducted during this period in the 90% of the samples showed an increase in ALT levels. In addition syndrome of inflammation in liver parenchyma was confirmed positive by thymol in 45% of samples. Analysis of broiler proteinogram showed the growth of α-globulins in 35% of samples, while the β-globulin concentration was increased in 60% of samples. 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Kozlov Yury V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent of the Department of Pharmacology and Therapy of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar; phone: 8(918) 010-66-24. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Semenenko Marina P., D. Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the Pharmacology Laboratory of the Krasnodar Research Veterinary Institute; 1-ya Liniya st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8 (861) 221-62-20; e-mail: sever291@mail.ru.