UDC 619:616.9-07:636.7 TICK-BORNE INFECTIOUS DISEASES OF DOGS IN OMSK Laktyushina O. A. Summary. Purpose of the study was to examine the combined course of dogs’ infections in Omsk – babesiosis, borreliosis (Lyme disease), dirofilariasis, leishmaniasis, bartonellosis, rickettsiosis (ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis), which pathogens are transmitted by blood-sucking insects – ticks, fleas, mosquitoes. In 2011-2013, author conducted researches of blood serum samples of dogs in Omsk veterinary clinics and in the tick borreliosis laboratory of the Omsk Scientific-Research Institute of natural focal infections. Apathy, anorexia, hematuria within two days, repeated vomiting and staggering gait, anemia of the mucous membranes, fever within 39.8-40.2°C, abdominal pain and shortness of breath were observed in dogs. Neutrophilic leucocytosis with a nucleus shift to the left and increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, decreased red blood cell count and hemoglobin level; lymphopenia (25%), increase of alanine - (50%), aspartate - (75%) and gamma-glutamyl-transferase (25%); decrease in total protein (25%) and glucose (50%) is set during analyzing the results of hematological and biochemical blood tests. As a result of complex investigations, all animals were diagnosed with babesiosis. State of animals has stabilized on the third day after the start of antibiotic therapy. Basic hematological and biochemical parameters of blood returned to normal at repeated research. Thus, tick coinfection established in dogs requires a more thorough laboratory diagnosis of suspected tick-borne invasion. Key words: Lyme disease, babesiosis, dogs, ticks, specific therapy, research, blood, antibodies, fever, arthritis. References 1. Belimenko V.V. Babezioz sobak v Orenburgskoy i Moskovskoy oblastyakh [Babesiosis dogs in Orenburg and Moscow regions]. – Moscow, 2008. – 141 p. 2. Dekonenko E.P. Laym-borrelioz. Infektsionnye bolezni [Lyme borreliosis. Infectious diseases]. – Meditsina. – Moscow, 1996. –pp. 428-434. 3. Kartashov S.N., Klyuchnikov A.G., Ermakov A.M. Kliniko-laboratornye osobennosti erlikhioza u sobak [Clinical and laboratory features of erhlichiosis in dogs]. – Veterinariya Kubani. –Krasnodar, 2010 (4). –pp. 24-26. 4. Makarov V.V., Betling E.S., Timofeev B.A. Borrelioz Layma [Lyme borreliosis]. – Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. – Moscow, 2004 (5). –pp. 11-13. 5. Maly V.P., Shepileva N.V., Tkachenko L.V. Kleshchevye infektsii v Kharkovskoy oblasti [Tickin ifections in Kharkov region]. – International Medical Journal. –Kharkiv, 2010 (3). - pp. 99-102. 6. Novikova T.V., Molotova N.V., Rybakova N.A., Filonenko I.V., Chubarova T.V., Shchustrova M.V. Ekologiya iksodovykh kleshchey i epizootologiya peredavaemykh imi zabolevaniy [Ecology of ticks and epidemiology of transmissive diseases].– Veterinariya. – Moscow, 2004 (11). – pp.32-34. 7. Pustovit N.S. Sezonnaya dinamika i klinicheskie proyavleniya bolezni Layma u sobak Moskovskoy oblasti [Seasonal dynamics and clinical manifestations of Lyme disease in dogs Moscow region]. – Parazitologiya i invazionnye bolezni zhivotnykh. –Moscow, 1998 (4).–pp. 239-240. 8. Shulyak B.F. Bolezn Layma u sobak [Lyme disease in dogs]. –Praktik. – Saint-Petersburg, 2003 (7-8). – pp. 90-97. 9. Hovius K.E. Borrelia infections in dogs. Epidemiological, clinical and diagnostic aspects. - 1999. – 148 p. 10. Mather T.N., Telfold S.R.III. Borreliaburgdorferi and Babesiamicroti: efficiency of transmission from reservoirs to vector ticks.// Exp. Parasitol. – 1990. – 70(1):55-61. Author affiliation: Laktyushina Olga A., post-graduate student of the faculty of microbiology, infectious and parasitic diseases of the Institute of veterinary medicine and biotechnology of the Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University; 92, Oktyabrskaya st., Omsk, 644122; phone: +7-923-693-14-54; e-mail: funny_girl-2008@mail.ru – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.