UDC 636.034:637.147.2 DAIRY EFFICIENCY AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF MILK WITH DIFFERENT GENOTYPES FOR KAPPA CASEIN Loretts O.G. Summary. Achievement of high results in improving structure and quality of milk provides comprehensive solutions to problems. Biotechnology breakthrough, for example, testing of animals, especially bulls of the genes controlling the synthesis of milk proteins, is introduced in breeding in countries with developed dairy cattle. Advantage of DNA technology lies in the fact that it is possible to determine the genotype of the animal, regardless of gender, age and physiological state of the individuals, which is an important step in breeding. One gene locus of the major milk proteins – kappa-casein (CSNZ) have recently attracted the attention of researchers. Genotype of bull by the kappa-casein can serve as an additional criterion for the selection of animals. Purpose of studies was to determine kappa-casein genotype of cows of different lines and to determine its effect on the technological properties of the milk. Three breeding and genetic groups of animals, taking into account the linear supplies, were formed by the method of analogues for the experiment. Assessment of kappa-casein gene polymorphism was based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The analysis of the results of studies by the author proved that the cow’s milk containing allele in kappa casein has better processing properties and contains more protein coagulate in a shorter time, which enables to obtain better quality cheese. Lack of kappa-casein fraction resulted in degradation of milk coagulation, formation of flabby bunch, reduce of quality and volume of produced product. Keywords: milk, fat, protein, kappa-casein, selection, genotype, DNA diagnostics, milk productivity, prefabricated milk. References: 1. Kalashnikova L.A., Dunin I.M., Glazko V.I. Selektsiya XXI veka: ispolzovanie DNK-tekhnologiy [Selection of XXI century: use of DNA technology]. – Moscow, 2001. – pp. 3-4. 2. Samusenko L., Khimicheva S. Genotip korov – osnova kachestva moloka [Genotype of cows – milk quality basis].– Moloko i molochnye produkty. – Moscow, 2012 (2).– pp. 17-19. 3. Denicourt D., Sabour M. P., McAllister A. Detection of bovine kappa-casein genomic variants by the polymerase chain reaction method // Animal Genetics. 1990. V. 21. P. 215-216. Author affiliation: Loretts Olga G., Ph.D. in Agriculture, docent, vice rector for academic affairs of the Urals State Agrarian University; 42, Karla Libknekta st., Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk area, 620075; ph.: 8 (343)371-03-91; e-mail: olga-loretts@yandex.ru – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.