Korennik I.V. Summary Last years more and more domestic dairy farms refuse from pasturable maintenance of animals. Along with positive factors, such as: average increase productivity on one cow, decrease in charges of animals, risk of distribution of infectious diseases, in particular a mastitis and hoofs’ diseases, raises. In this connection hygiene role on a dairy complex increases. Among veterinary problems it is necessary for mastitis and diseases of hoofs to give particular attention; it is caused, on the one side, by mass coverage of a livestock, and with another – economic losses because of decrease in yields of milk, deterioration of milk, reduction of term of productive life of cows, premature rejection. As calculations show, total losses are equivalent to cost of 20-25 % of made production. Manufacture of qualitative milk is impossible without timely clearing and disinfection of the milking equipment. It is impossible to forget about disinfection of cattle-breeding objects as application of modern and effective disinfectants considerably reduces risk of occurrence and distribution of infectious diseases and is an integral part of the general program of biosecurity of dairy farms. Along with disinfection, disinsection is very important on dairy farms, because of such insects as flies, which bring huge harm on dairy complexes. Key words: udder hygiene, somatic cells, mastitis, insecticides, disinsection, milking equipment, biosecurity, disinfection, hoofs’ treatment, milk ejection. References - Volkov G.K. Zoogigiena i veterinarnaya sanitariya v promyshlennom zhivotnovodstve [Zoohigiene and veterinarian sanitation in livestock industry]. – Moscow.: Kolos. – 2002. – p. 414.
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Author affiliation Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Korennik Igor V., leading specialist on hygiene in animal husbandry, RABOS Int. LLC; 21, 47 km of MCR, Govorovo vllg., Lenin district, Moscow area, 142784; phone:(495) 785-71-21; www.rabos.ru.