Novoseltsev G.G. Summary Epizootic situation on leucose of horned cattle and efficiency of different therapeutic methods were identified by means of haematological and serological researches. Due to therapeutic measures for cattle leucose which were applied through isolated raising of healthy heifers from among progeny of sick and infected cows for their gradual replacement, a leucose-free herd has been set up over a period of 3 years in Gulkevichsky district, which now makes 2/3 from the herd’s original structure. However, therapeutic measures, which are based on disposal of haematologically leucosis-infected cows, does not greatly affect the epizootic process tension, because the infected animals and their progeny (number of which is much more than those sick ones) shall remain on the farm. In this respect, farm operations with poor conditions tend to annual high-rate disposal of infected animals. Key words: epizootology, seropositive, leukemic infection, treatment, culling of cows. References - Gulyukin M.I., Simonyan G.A., Azhirkova N.A. Obzor epizooticheskoy situatsii po leykozu krupnogo rogatogo skota [Overview on epizootic situation on bovine leukemia]. – Veterinarnaya zhizn [Veterinary life]. – 2005.
- Novoseltsev G.G., Karabaktyan V.A., Simonyan G.A., Repnikova N.V. Effektivny i bezushcherbny metod borby s leykozom krupnogo rogatogo skota [Efficient and harmless method of struggle against leucose of cattle]. – Veterinariya Kubani [Veterinary of Kuban]. – Krasnodar, 2011.
- Simonyan G.A. Sovremennye metody borby s leykozom krupnogo rogatogo skota i ustranenie ekonomicheskogo ushcherba [Modern methods of struggle against leucose of large horned cattle and elimination of economic loss]. – Veterinariya [Veterinary science]. – Moscow, 2011.
Author affiliation Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Novoseltsev George G., Honored veterinarian of Kuban, head of the State Veterinary Department of Gulkekvichsky district; 6, Severnaya st., Gulkevichi, 352180; e-mail: gyargyar1@gmail.com.