Avdeev D.B. Summary Morphological study of carcasses of geese of Gorkovsky breed were conducted considering an important role of a wandering nerve in maintenance of an optimum condition of the environment of an organism. Heart area, digestive organs, and also respiratory system of investigated animals was studied. Distinctions in length of the vagus, in quantitaty of nervous branches, and the sizes of distale and jugulare ganglions were found out. Formation ventralis, general vagalis trunk and returnable nerve occur at different levels of vertebras at geese. Also interaction vagus in the field of an exit from a cranial cavity with other nerves is studied. Despite anatomotopographical distinctions at animals as a whole branching right and left vagus coincides. Key words: goose, vagus, nerves, ganglion jugulare, ganglion distale. References - Bukin U.V. K morfologii abdominalnogo otdela bluzhdayushchikh nervov [To morphology of abdominal department of wandering nerves]. – 1948: 91-99.
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Author affiliation Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Avdeev Dmitry B., post-graduate student of the department of anatomy, histology, physiology and pathological anatomy of the Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University; 162-25, Bogdana Khmelnitskogo st., Omsk, 644021; phone: 8 (908) 7913873; e-mail: avdeev86@inbox.ru.