Kirillova A.A., Petrov Yu. F., Gudkova A.Yu., Kuznetsov V.M., Shakhbiev Kh.Kh., Egorov S.V. Summary Bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and infusoria in particular take an active part in ruminant digestion. Infusoria for macroorganisms are the source of easily digestible protein having the highly biological value. Infusoria dinamics in foreguts and abomasums of cattle in the age state in stable period is given in the article. It is revealed that the least number of infusoria species occurs in animals at the age of 5-6 months, moderate number – 9-10 months and the greatest number in cows and heifers. The obtained data allow to calculate feeding ration of animals in different ages in pasture and stable periods and the application of food supplements more properly. Key words: cattle, rumen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum, infusoria, stall period. References - Dogel V.A. Metodika opredeleniya infuzoriy [Technique of definition of infusorians]. – Leningrad, 1929. – pp. 65-75.
- Petrov Yu.F., Gudkova A.Yu., Kirillova A.A. Dinamika infuzoriy biotsenoza zheludka krupnogo rogatogo skota v vozrastnom aspekte v pastbishchny period [Dynamics of infusorians of biocenosis of stomach of horned cattle in age aspect during the pasturable period]. – M., 2012. – pp. 65-66.
Author affiliation Kirillova Anastasiya A., post-graduate student of the department of microbiology and epizootiology of the Belyaev Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy; 45, Sovetskaya st., Ivanovo, 153012; phone: +79038783909; e-mail: microbiology@ivgsha.ru. Petrov Yury Ph., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Academician of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, professor, head of the department of parasitology of the Belyaev Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy; 45, Sovetskaya st., Ivanovo, 153012; phone: (4932) 41-76-84; e-mail: parasitology@ivgsha.ru. Gudkova Alla Yu., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, head of the department of microbiology and epizootology of the Belyaev Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy; 45, Sovetskaya st., Ivanovo, 153012; phone: (4932) 41-76-84; e-mail: parasitology@ivgsha.ru. Kuznetsov Valery M., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, assistant of the department of parasitology of the Belyaev Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy; 45, Sovetskaya st., Ivanovo, 153012; phone: (4932) 41-76-84; e-mail: parasitology@ivgsha.ru. Shakhbiev Khasan Kh., assistant of the department of human and animal physiology of the Chechen State University; 33, Kievskaya st., Grozny, Chechen Republic, 364037; phone:(4932) 41-76-84; e-mail: parasitology@ivgsha.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Egorov Sergey V., Ph.D. in Biology, docent of the department of parasitology of the Belyaev Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy; 45, Sovetskaya st., Ivanovo, 153012; phone: (4932) 41-76-84; e-mail: parasitology@ivgsha.ru.