УДК 619:616.98:579.844 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2023-1-16-18 Sushchikh V.Yu., Karimov A.A., Kanatov B., Yusupov M.R., Dyusenov S.M. Summary. Data on the experimental development and use of a vaccine against necrobacillosis in horses are presented in the article. The problem of necrobacteriosis infection in Kazakhstan is widespread among large and small horned cattle. However, data on the incidence and specific prevention of this infection among horses have not been established. Lameness in horses has been recorded for a number of years in the peasant economy of the East Kazakhstan region. The incidence of animals ranged from 8% to 16.6% in the spring-autumn periods. A clinical examination of the entire livestock of animals was carried out, and samples of biomaterial were taken from sick horses. Fus. necrophorum pathogen was isolated from the samples delivered to the laboratory. After studying the main cultural, morphological and biological properties, isolated cultures were subsequently used to obtain antigens. According to the generally accepted scheme, an experimental series of vaccines against necrobacteriosis of horses was made. The vaccine was tested for the main quality indices - harmlessness, reactogenicity, concentration of hydrogen ions, sterility and immunogenic activity under laboratory conditions. After receiving positive results, the vaccine was tested under production conditions on clinically healthy horses of this farm. Animals were twice immunized at a dose of 5.0 cm3 with an interval of 30 days. Blood was sampled from the animals to control the immunogenic efficiency of the experimental vaccine 1 and 6 months after the last injection. Serological studies showed that 1 month after vaccination, the average titers of agglutinating antibodies in animals were at the level of log2- 1.68±0.14, and after 6 months - log2- 1.46±0.22. Clinical observation of horses for 10 months after vaccination showed that the incidence of necrobacteriosis in animals decreased by more than 11 times. Keywords: necrobacteriosis, horses, vaccine, immunization, titer, antibodies, efficiency, immunogenic activity, harmlessness, morbidity. References: 1. Gulyukin M.I. Kompleksnaya sistema meropriyatiy pri nekrobakterioze zhivotnykh [A comprehensive system of measures for necrobacillosis in animals]. - Veterinariya. - Moscow, 2007 (9). - pp. 5-8. 2. Karavaev Yu.D. Kompleksnaya sistema meropriyatiy pri nekrobakterioze zhivotnykh [A comprehensive system of measures for necrobacillosis in animals]. - Veterinariya. - Moscow, 2007 (9). - pp. 19-23. 3. Lopatin S.V. Optimizatsiya sistemy kontrolya epizooticheskogo protsessa nekrobakterioza krupnogo rogatogo skota [Optimization of the control system for the epizootic process of necrobacteriosis in large horned cattle]. - Novosibirsk, 2006. - 311 p. 4. Ivanov N.P., Sushchikh V.Yu., Kanatov B. et al. Razrabotka i ispytanie inaktivirovannoy vaktsiny protiv nekrobakterioza zhivotnykh na baze TOO «Bayserke-Agro» [Development and testing of an inactivated vaccine against animal necrobacteriosis on the basis of Bayserke-Agro LLP]. - GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATION. - 2020. - pp. 287-292. 5. Solomakha O.I. Nekrobakterioz - kompleksnoe reshenie problemy [Necrobacteriosis - a comprehensive solution to the problem]. - Agrarnaya Rossiya. - 2001 (3). - pp. 38-42. Author affiliation: Karimov Abdilkarim A., scientific researcher of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute; 223, Raymbeka ave., Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050016; phone: 8-777-3304231; e-mail: aben66@mail.ru. Kanatov Begali, Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, senior scientific researcher of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute; 223, Raymbeka ave., Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050016; phone: 8-776-7385186; e-mail: kanat_bek59@mail.ru. Yusupov Malik R., scientific researcher of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute; 223, Raymbeka ave., Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050016; phone: 8-707-2325005; e-mail: malik_imhana@mail.ru. Dyusenov Sayran M., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the Karaganda Scientific Research Veterinary Station; 47, Western industrial zone, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan, 100000; phone: 8-701-6393574; e-mail: kar_nivs@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Sushchikh Vladislava Yu., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the department of epizootological monitoring and risk assessment of bacterial animal diseases of the Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute; 223, Raymbeka ave., Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050016; phone: 8-777-3532869; e-mail: vladasali@mail.ru.