УДК 636.09 DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2023-1-3-5 Bobrov V.A., Zabashta S.N., Krivonos R.A., Chernykh O.Yu., Chernov A.N. Summary. Epizootic characteristics of the rabies infection manifestation in Russia is presented in the article. The epizootic situation on rabies in the country is characterized by stationary trouble. 755 unfavorable points for rabies were registered with 802 cases of manifestation in animals in 2022, in the context of the federal districts of the Russian Federation. The Central federal district, along with the Volga and Ural federal districts, occupied a dominant position - they accounted for 38.4%, 28% and 14.7% of disadvantaged areas, respectively. The largest number of rabies infection cases was registered in winter - 27.4%, and in autumn - 25.2%, and the minimum amount in summer - 23.2%, that is associated with the natural reservoir of the infectious agent, as well as with the periods of rutting and resettlement of young wild animals, mainly foxes. The average monthly number of cases for rabies infection over 12 months was 67 cases, and the number of affected sites was 63. The high level of disease in wild animals indicates the insufficient work in terms of oral vaccination, as wild animals, biting dogs and cats, involve them in the epizootic process. Registration of cases of disease in domestic carnivores indicates insufficient coverage of these animal species with preventive vaccination. Keywords: epizootic situation, rabies infection, rabies, natural reservoir, specific incidence, unfavorable point, seasonality, Russian Federation, federal districts, vaccination. References: 1. Veterinarnye pravila osushchestvleniya profilakticheskikh, diagnosticheskikh, ogranichitelnykh i inykh meropriyatiy, ustanovleniya i otmeny karantina i inykh ogranicheniy, napravlennykh na predotvrashchenie rasprostraneniya i likvidatsiyu ochagov beshenstva [Veterinary rules for implementation of preventive, diagnostic, restrictive and other measures, the establishment and cancellation of quarantine and other restrictions aimed to prevent the spread and elimination of rabies’ foci]. - Bulletin of Veterinary Medicine. - 2021 (2 (97). - pp. 3-14. 2 Chernov A.N., Chernykh O.Yu., Shevchenko A.A. et al. Globalnye problemy beshenstva [Global problems of rabies]. - Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin. - Krasnodar, 2020. -667 p. 3. Metlin A.E., Paroshin A.V., Shishkov A.V. et al. Situatsiya po beshenstvu v razlichnykh regionakh mira i razrabotka meropriyatiy po borbe s beshenstvom [Situation on rabies in various regions of the world and the development of combat measures]. - Proceedings of the Federal Center for Animal Health Protection. - 2018 (16). - pp. 72-94. 4. Tsvetkova K. N., Bychkova K. V. Analiz epizooticheskoy situatsii po beshenstvu na territorii Pskovskoy oblasti [Epizootic situation analysis on rabies in Pskov region]. - Proceedings of the Velikiye Luki State Agricultural Academy. - 2021 (3). - pp. 42-49. 5-9. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Zabashta Sergey N., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, Head of the Department of Parasitology, Veterinary Sanitary Expertise and zoohygiene of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044. Krivonos Roman A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent of the Department of Parasitology, Veterinary Sanitary Expertise and zoohygiene of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044. Chernykh Oleg Yu., docent, D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the Department of Parasitology, Veterinary Sanitary Expertise and zoohygiene of the Kuban State Agrarian University named by I. T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8-918-4956659; e-mail: gukkvl50@kubanvet.ru. Chernov Albert N., docent, D.Sc. in Biology, Vice-Director for Scientific-Research Work of the Krasnodar Scientific Center for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine; 1, 1 Liniya st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8-927-4036300; e-mail: rt-kazan@mail.ru. Responsiblefor correspondencewiththe editorialboard: Bobrov Vadim A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the Department of State Supervision in the Field of Treatment of Animals and 5 Prevention of Offenses in the Field of Veterinary Medicine of the Veterinary Department of Krasnodar region; 36, Rashpilevskaya st., Krasnodar, 350000; phone: 8-861-2623190; e-mail: bobrov_vadim@rambler.ru.