DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2021-1-33-36 Lavrik A.A., Ali S.G., Bublichenko I.S., Annenkova G.V., Dresvyannikova S.G. Summary. Stem cell transplantation, especially mesenchymal stem cells, is a widespread method of treatment for many pathological conditions in modern veterinary medicine and clinical medicine. Among the indications for the use of this method in veterinary medicine are traumatic injuries and degenerative changes in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system, burns, systemic immune diseases, hematological disorders, including oncological disorders, postoperative conditions, infectious diseases and many others. Approaches based on cell therapy have begun to improve and rapidly shift towards the use of biologically active products secreted by cells - cell secretome over the past decade. Significant advantages of secret drugs over mesenchymal stem cells transplantation are their availability, ease of storage and transportation, the ability to exclude immune rejection, oncological risks and the need for antibiotic therapy. In view of this, this article provides an overview of information on the current state of the use of secret therapy in various pathologies. Key issues related to this topic are discussed: what are the main sources of the cellular secretome, the composition and methods of its collection, the mechanisms of the influence of the secretome on tissue regeneration, its therapeutic potential and prospects for further research in this area. The presented summarized information helps to clarify the main issues that currently exist in the field of secretome therapy, and, therefore, can be useful for the practical use of secretome in veterinary practice. Keywords: regeneration, regenerative veterinary medicine, mesenchymal stem cells, stem cell secretome, biologically active substances, cell therapy, tissue recovery, functional recovery, immunomodulation, repair. References: 1. Bogacheva N.V., Kolman M.E. Konditsionnaya sreda mezenkhimalnykh stromalnykh kletok: novyy klass terapevticheskikh sredstv [Conditioned environment of mesenchymal stromal cells: a new class of therapeutic agents]. - Biokhimiya. - Moscow, 2019 (84 (11). - pp. 1701-1717. 2. Ivanovskaya M., Kazennova E., Trifonova A. Terapevticheskie effekty mezenkhimalnykh stvolovykh kletok i sekretiruemykh imi faktorov pri patologiyakh kozhi [Therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cells and factors secreted by them in skin pathologies]. - Sovremennaya veterinarnaya meditsina. - Moscow, 2018 (3). - pp. 34-42. 3. Kalinina N.I., Sysoeva V.Yu., Rubina K.A., Parfenova E.V., Tkachuk V.A. Mezenkhimalnye stvolovye kletki v protsessakh rosta i reparatsii tkaney [Mesenchymal stem cells in the processes of tissue growth and repair]. - Acta naturae. - Moscow, 2011 (3 (4). - pp. 32-39. 4. Lavrik A.A., Ali S.G., Moskalev V.B., Zolotareva D.A. Vliyanie nizkomolekulyarnoy fraktsii sekretoma mezenkhimalnykh stvolovykh kletok na funktsionalnoe sostoyanie pecheni [Influence of low molecular weight fraction of mesenchymal stem cell secretome on the functional state of the liver]. - Veterinary, Zootechnics and Biotechnology. - Moscow, 2020 (6). - pp. 35-41. 5. Lavrik A.A., Moskalev V.B., Ali S.G., Zaremba A.V., Eldarov Kh.D. Preparat BoviStem v profilaktike poslerodovykh oslozhneniy u korov i immunodefitsitov u telyat [BoviStem drug in prevention of postpartum complications in cows and immunodeficiency in calves]. - Veterinaria i kormlenie. - Moscow, 2020 (2). - pp. 29-32. 6. Lavrik A.A., Ali S.G., Moskalev V.B., Nikolchenko O.A., Leontyeva F.S., Ashukina N.A. Regenerativnye svoystva peptidnogo preparata «UltraSell-Dog» pri travmakh kolennogo sustava (eksperimentalnoe issledovanie) []. - Veterinary, Zootechnics and Biotechnology. - Moscow, 2020 (5). - pp. 6-19. 7. Lavrik A.A., Moskalev V.B., Ali S.G., Zaremba A.V., Eldarov Kh.D. Sravnitelnaya effektivnost lecheniya poslerodovykh oslozhneniy i vosstanovleniya reproduktivnoy funktsii korov [Comparative effectiveness of treatment of postpartum complications and restoration of the reproductive function of cows]. - Veterinaria i kormlenie. - Moscow, 2020 (3). - pp. 25-27. 8-21. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Lavrik Aleksey A., General Director of the NoviStem LLC; 79 of., 74 b, Mosfilmovskaya st., Moscow, 119192; e-mail: lavrik@novistem.ru. Bublichenko Igor S., veterinarian of the NoviStem LLC; 79 of., 74 b, Mosfilmovskaya st., Moscow, 119192; e-mail: bis@novistem.ru. Annenkova Galina V., veterinarian of the NoviStem LLC; 79 of., 74 b, Mosfilmovskaya st., Moscow, 119192. Dresvyannikova Svetlana G., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, scientific consultant of the NoviStem LLC; 79 of., 74 b, Mosfilmovskaya st., Moscow, 119192; e-mail: dsg@novistem.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Ali Sabina G., Deputy General Director of the NoviStem LLC; 79 of., 74 b, Mosfilmovskaya st., Moscow, 119192; e-mail: ali.s@novistem.ru.