DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2021-1-11-12 Kruglova M.I., Markova E.V., Pavlenko I.V., Lyulkova L.S., Melnik R.N., Melnik N.V. Summary. Today, the issue of import substitution requires the introduction and production of environmentally safe and cost-effective preparations, such as probiotics, to improve the productivity of livestock and produce environmentally safe products. In our country, this is especially important due to the deterioration of the health indices of the population, the increase in the cost of medical care, as well as an increase in the number of people with food allergic reactions, liver and other organ diseases. This article evaluates the effect of probiotic preparations developed in the All-Russian Scientific-Research and Technological Institute of Biological Industry on the basis of the Escherichia coli VL613 strain on the live weight gain. The experiment was conducted on 20 piglets of 2-3 months of age, by dividing them into two feeding groups, 10 piglets in each: the control group - a normal diet and test group - with the addition of a probiotic preparations based on the Escherichia coli VL613 strain according to the scheme until they were transferred to fattening. Side effects and negative reactions were not detected when using the drug. The average daily increase in live weight in the control group was 0.638 kg, in the test group it was 0.865 kg. The biochemical and hematological blood parameters of piglets fed with probiotics were higher than those of the control group fed without probiotics. The indices of total protein are especially important, since its increase indicates that the immune status and the general physiological state of piglets has increased. After analyzing the obtained data, it can be concluded that the use of a probiotic drug based on the Escherichia coli VL613 strain can increase and improve livestock production, by increasing the average daily gain in live weight, which helps to reduce feed consumption, increase productivity, immunity and the general physiological state of piglets. Keywords: probiotic, animal husbandry, poultry, import substitution, pigs, immunity, Escherichia coli, biochemical parameters, hematological parameters, weight gain. References: 1. Alternativnye puti zameny kormovykh antibiotikov [Alternative ways of replacing feed antibiotics]. - http://agroros-company.ru/press-centr/stati/alternativnye-puti-zameny-kormovykh-antibiotikov/ 2. Obzor antikoktsidiynykh preparatov dlya zhivotnykh [Review of anticoccidial preparations for animals]. - https://www.tsenovik.ru/bizness/archive/182/?ELEMENT_ID=36058 3. Pismenskaya V.N., Lenchenko E.M., Golitsina L.A. 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Pavlenko Igor V., D.Sc. in Technics, All-Russian Scientific Research and Technological Institute of the Biological Industry; Biocombinat sttl., Shchelkovsky district, Moscow region, 141142. Lyulkova Larisa S., D.Sc. in Biology, leading scientific researcher of the AllRussian Scientific Research and Technological Institute of the Biological Industry; Biocombinat sttl., Shchelkovsky district, Moscow region, 141142. Melnik Roman N., Ph.D. in Biology, Deputy Director for Scaling and Commercialization of the All-Russian Scientific Research and Technological Institute of the Biological Industry; Biocombinat sttl., Shchelkovsky district, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8-926-8510696. Melnik Nikolay V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, Vice-President of the VetBioProm Association; 11/1, Sadovo-Spasskaya st., Moscow, 107996; e-mail: vetbioprom@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Markova Evgeniya V., Ph.D. in Agriculture, senior scientific researcher of the Department of the molecular biology and virology of the All-Russian Scientific Research and Technological Institute of the Biological Industry; Biocombinat sttl., Shchelkovsky district, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8-916-3293651; e-mail: biologm2020@mail.ru.