DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2020-1-33-35 Ozherelkov S.V., Kozhevnikova T.N. To prevent most common viral diseases of small pets, vaccines are most often used that stimulate animal immune system and provide specific protection. Data on the adjuvant properties of well-known and widely used immunomodulator of natural origin, fosprenil, used in veterinary practice as an immunomodulator with antiviral activity for the correction of the immune response in various viral infections, during experimental immunization of BALB/mouse vaccines against dog parvovirus enteritis and rabies are presented in the article. It was shown that fosprenil use in animals at immunostimulating dose (5 pg/mouse) significantly enhances the effect of immunization with both vaccines. So, fosprenil significantly increases the titer of post-vaccination antibodies to standard liquid inactivated vaccine against parvovirus enteritis in dogs. In experiments with the rabies vaccine, it was found that the administration of fosprenil in animals along with vaccine not only contributes to significant increase in the titer of specific antibodies, but also to significant increase in coefficient of protective activity of rabies vaccine. Thus, fosprenil exerts an adjuvant effect on post-vaccination immunity caused by vaccination of mice with rabies and parvovirus enteritis vaccines. Keywords: laboratory animals, immune system, mice, immunization, vaccine, adjuvant, titer, post-vaccination antibodies, rabies, parvovirus enteritis, fosprenil. References: 1. Kozhevnikova T.N., Vorovich M.F., Kozlov V.G., Ozherelkov S.V., Narovlyanskiy A.N., Pronin A.V., Sanin A.V. 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Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kozhevnikova Tatiana N., Ph.D. in Medicine, scientific researcher of the laboratory of cellular immunity of Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; 18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098; phone: 8-499-1905851;