DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2020-1-30-32 Kubrak N.V., Kirsanova A.Yu. Summary. Scientific research is impossible without experiments on laboratory animals. At the same time, difficulties often arise in equipping such works with surgical instruments and technical devices. The aim of this study is creation and testing the surgical instruments for working with small laboratory animals. Surgical instruments were created and introduced into practice: a surgical hook, a retractor, a device for static fixation of tissues, and also a device for fixing animals. The developed instruments were tested in experiments on 160 laboratory rats for surgery on the spine and spinal cord. Usability, wear resistance, the ability to produce multiple copies were evaluated. These instruments have also been disinfected and sterilized with special equipment. The device for fixing animals was used during x-ray examinations. The use of the presented devices showed their ergonomics, resistance to processing cycles, as well as compliance with the requirements for medical instruments. Keywords: experiment, laboratory rat, surgical instruments, microsurgery, ergonomics, surgical retractor, surgical dilator, device for fixation, radiography. References: 1. Krasnov V.V., Vatnikov Yu.A. Khirurgicheskiy ranorasshiritel dlya operatsiy na zhivotnykh [Surgical retractor for operations on animals]. - Russian Veterinary Journal. - Moscow, 2015 (3). - pp. 28-29. 2. Krasnov V.V., Kubrak N.V., Kirsanova A.Yu. Razvitie eksperimentalnoy vertebrologii i neyrokhirurgii v Rossiyskom nauchnom tsentre Vosstanovitelnaya travmatologiya i ortopediya im. Akademika G.A. Ilizarova [Experimental spinal surgery and neurosurgery development at the Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center «Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics»]. - Orthopaedic genius. - Kurgan, 2017 (23 (2)). - pp. 134-139. 3. Mashukov Yu.S., Prudnikova O.G., Krasnov V.V., Savin D.M., Mushtaeva Yu.A., Kirsanova A.Yu. Ranorasshiritel [Retractor]. - Patent RF 104444. - Moscow, 2011. 4. Samokhin A.G., Kuzmin A.V., Efremov A.V., Pakhomova Yu.V., Ovsyanko E.V., Ignatova A.V., Ignatov A.A., Yurkin A.V., Michurina S.V., Kozyreva L.A., Zyubina E.I. Stanok dlya fiksatsii melkikh laboratornykh zhivotnykh [Device for fixation of small laboratory animals]. - Patent RF 73778. - Moscow, 2008. 5. Ardashev I.P., Chernitsov S.V., Drobotov V.N., Afonin E.A., Veretelnikova I.Y. Ustroystvo dlya provedeniya eksperimentov na melkikh zhivotnykh [Device for experiments on small animals]. - 2009: 16-19. 6. Chernitsov S.V., Drobotov V.N., Ardashev I.P., Afonin E.A., Gerasimov S.O. Ustroystvo dlya provedeniya eksperimentov na melkikh zhivotnykh [Device for experiments on small animals]. - Patent RF 74289. - Moscow, 2008. 7. Enikeev D.A., Gafarov T.U., Enikeeva S.A., Myshkin V.A., Idrisova L.T., Hisamov E.N., Galimov D.M., Enikeev M.R., Sharifyanova A.A., Utyasheva L.G. Ustroystvo dlya fiksatsii melkikh laboratornykh zhivotnykh v nepodvizhnom sostoyanii [Device for fixing of small laboratory animals in motionless state]. - Patent RF 2521622. - Moscow, 2014. 8. Gafarov T.U., Enikeev D.A., Khismatullina Z.R., Myshkin V.A., Galimov D.M., Enikeev O.A., Nazarova D.K. Ustroystvo dlya fiksatsii melkikh laboratornykh zhivotnykh [Device for fixation of small laboratory animals]. - Patent RF 2461368. - Moscow, 2012. 9-12. Vide supra. Author affiliation: Kubrak Nadezhda V., junior scientific researcher of Experimental laboratory of the Russian Scientific Center of Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after academician G.A. Ilizarov of Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation; 6, M. Ulyanova st., Kurgan, 640014; phone: 8-3522-415273; e-mail: kubrak2@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kirsanova Anastasia Yu., Ph.D. in Biology, junior scientific researcher of Experimental laboratory of the Russian Scientific Center of Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after academician G.A. Ilizarov of Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation; 6, M. Ulyanova st., Kurgan, 640014; phone: 8-3522-415273; e-mail: vet.kirsanova@mail.ru