DOI 10/33861/2071-8020-2020-1-23-25 Drobin Yu.D., Soldatenko N.A., Fetisov L.N., Sazonova E.A., Chernykh O.Yu., Lysenko A.A. Summary. Data on the effect of mycotoxins on the organism of broiler chickens, and the indirect effect of offal obtained from poultry, fed with mixed feed infected with mycotoxins, that people eat were analyzed in the article. In particular, it has been proved that in experimental DON-toxicosis and experimental citrinin-toxicosis in broiler chickens, these toxins are able to cumulate in organs and tissues and cause clinical and pathological changes. DON exceeded the maximum allowable level for chickens more than 2 times, citrinin exceeded the MDL by more than 20 times. In the first experimental group, the incidence rate of poultry reached 83.3% by the 7th day of feeding and mortality - 52.2% of the number of cases. During the autopsy of the dead chickens it was found that the liver was blood-filled, with areas of necrosis, the gall bladder was full of bile, the muscular wall of the atria was thinned. At experimental citrinin toxicosis, as well as in the first experimental group, diarrhea with an admixture of blood was observed in chickens. At the autopsy there was inflammation of the small and large intestines, the liver was blood-filled, and the intestines were hyperemic. For deoxynivalenol, the fact of accumulation of this mycotoxin in the tissues of the organs of chickens of the 1st group was reliably established. The data on the accumulation in the organs and tissues of broiler chickens of other mycotoxins in our experiments were unreliable and require additional studies. Keywords: feed, grain, mycotoxins, fusariotoxins, deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone (ZL), fumonisin (FUM B1), hemorrhagic enteritis, broiler chickens, experimental DON toxicosis, liver damage, kidney damage. References: 1. Bol K.G., Bol B.K. Osnovy patologicheskoy anatomii selskokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh [Fundamentals of pathological anatomy of farm animals]. - Moscow, 1961: 572 p. 2. Eroshkin A.A., Burkin A.A., Kononenko G.P. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po opredeleniyu okhratoksina A v organakh i tkanyakh zhivotnykh s primeneniyem immunofermentnogo analiza [Guidelines for determination of ochratoxin A in organs and tissues of animals using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay]. - Moscow, 2000. 3. Zakharova L.P., Sedova I.B. Analiz rezultatov kontrolya za zagryazneniem prodovolstvennogo zerna fuzariotoksinami dezoksinivalenolom i zearalenonom [Analysis of monitoring results of food grain contamination with fusariotoxins deoxynivalenol and zearalenone]. - Moscow, 2007: 87-88. 4. Kononenko G.P., Burkin A.A. Tsitrinin i okhratoksin A: kontaminatsiya kormov [Citrinin and ochratoxin A: feed contamination]. - 2010: 196. 5. Kravchenko L.V., Zakharova L.P., Obolskiy O.L. Fuzariotoksiny v zerne: rezultaty monitoringa [Fusariotoxins in grain: monitoring results]. - 1998: 3-5. Author affiliation: Drobin Yury D., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Director of the North Caucasian Zonal Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute - branch of the Federal Rostov Agrarian Scientific Center; Rostov hgw., Novocherkassk, Rostov region, 346421; e-mail: skznivi@novoch.ru. Soldatenko Nikolay A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, leading scientific researcher of the North Caucasian Zonal Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute - branch of the Federal Rostov Agrarian Scientific Center; Rostov hgw., Novocherkassk, Rostov region, 346421; e-mail: buh.skzniwi@mail.ru. Fetisov Leonid N., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, leading scientific researcher of the North Caucasian Zonal Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute - branch of the Federal Rostov Agrarian Scientific Center; Rostov hgw., Novocherkassk, Rostov region, 346421; e-mail: leonidfetisow@yandex.ru. Sazonova Ekaterina A., scientific researcher of the North Caucasian Zonal Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute - branch of the Federal Rostov Agrarian Scientific Center; Rostov hgw., Novocherkassk, Rostov region, 346421; e-mail: yek.sazonowa2013@yandex.ru. Chernykh Oleg Yu., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, director of the Kropotkin regional veterinary laboratory; 303, Krasnoarmeyskaya st., Kropotkin, 352380; phone: 8-918-4956659; e-mail: gukkvl50@kubanvet.ru. Responsibleforcorrespondencewiththeeditorialboard:LysenkoAleksandr A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, professor of the department of therapy and pharmacology of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 7, 29, Rozhdestvenskaya emb., Krasnodar, 350089; phone: 8-961-5075415; e-mail: vet.kubgau@mail.ru.