DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2020-1-19-22 Krasochko P.A., Krasochko I.A., Albulov A.I., Dubinich V.N., Dubinich M.V., Chernykh O.Yu. Summary. Mycotoxins are secondary low molecular weight metabolites of micromycetes. These compounds most often contaminate feed and products of plant and animal origin. More than 400 mycotoxins have been described, of which 47 are highly toxic. For the prevention of mycotoxicosis of farm animals and poultry in the process of intensive management of animal husbandry, organic, inorganic and complex mycotoxin adsorbents are used. The complexity of adsorption of secondary metabolites of micromycetes is caused by the heterogeneous physicochemical properties of both the mycotoxins (molecular polarity, molecular weight, etc.) and adsorbents. We investigated the general sorption capacities of organic and inorganic components for designing the mycotoxin adsorbent and the «Biotox» complex mycotoxin adsorbent, as well as the degree of adsorption and desorption of regulated mycotoxins when interacting with some modifications of chitosan. As a result of the research, it was found that chitosan succinate (150.13 ± 0.17) and spirulina (142.12 ± 0.10) have the highest total sorption capacity. When determining the level of adsorption of regulated mycotoxins, it was established that all modifications of chitosan effectively bind toxic metabolites of micromycetes. However, based on the results of studies of the total sorption capacity, data on the sorption and desorption of mycotoxins and the dynamics of the processes, chitosan succinate has the best performance. To construct the complex adsorbent of mycotoxins, we used: Tripoli (as a mineral component), chiosan succinate (as an organic adsorbent and at the same time as a prebiotic), lacto-and bifidobacteria to restore the intestinal microflora in mycotoxicosis. Adsorbents with different contents of modified chitosan were developed: 3% and 10%, with a total sorption capacity of 30.04 ± 0.02 mg / g. and 91.3 ± 0.05 mg / g. respectively. Keywords: chitosan, apsorbent, trepel, mycotoxins, aflatoxins, ochratoxins, deoxynivalenol, zearalenon, T-2 toxins, fumonisins. References: 1. Kanarskaya Z.A., Kanarskiy A.V., Khabarov Yu.G. et al. Adsorbtsiya mikotoksinov tekhnicheskimi ligninami [Mycotoxin adsorption by technical lignins]. - 2011: 59-63. 2. Duktov A.P., Krasochko P.A. Sostoyaniye mikroflory pishchevaritelnogo trakta tsyplyat-broylerov pri ispolzovanii biodabavki Khitozan [State of digestive tract microflora of broiler chickens at use of Chitosan]. - Gorki, 2013: 27-30 3. Komlatskiy G.V. 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Author affiliation: Krasochko Petr A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, head of the department of epizootology and infectious diseases of the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine; 7/11, 1-ya Dovatora st., Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus, 210026; phone: 8-0212-538075; e-mail: krasochko@mail.ru. Krasochko Irina A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the department of microbiology and virology of the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine; 7/11, 1-ya Dovatora st., Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus, 210026; phone: 8-0212-515705; e-mail: krasochko@mail.ru. Albulov Aleksey I., D.Sc. in Biology, professor, head of the department for the production of biologically active substances of the All-Russian Scientific Research and Technological Institute of Biological Industry; Biokombinata vlg., Shchelkovo district, Moscow region, 141142; phone: 8-496-5673263; e-mail: info@bioprogress.ru. Dubinich Viktor N., senior lecturer of the department of microbiology and epizootology of the Grodno State Agrarian University; 28, Tereshkovoy st., Grodno, Republic of Belarus, 230008; phone: 8-10375152-623630; e-mail: ggau@ggau.by. Dubinich Marina V., senior lecturer of the department of microbiology and epizootology of the Grodno State Agrarian University; 28, Tereshkovoy st., Grodno, Republic of Belarus, 230008; e-mail: viktordubinich@gmail.com. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Chernykh Oleg Yu., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, director of the Kropotkin regional veterinary laboratory; 303, Krasnoarmeyskaya st., Kropotkin, 352380; phone: 8-918-4956659; e-mail: gukkvl50@kubanvet.ru.