DO110.33861/2071-8020-2019-1-15-20 Koshchaev A.G., Inyukina T.A. Summary. To obtain a high-calorie raw stuff of farm animals is of great importance nowadays. The main task is to define the concentration of protein fractions in organs and tissues of various animal species on the base of comparison. The experimental part of the research was carried out on dairy and pig-breeding farms in Krasnodar region. When studying animal species it was found that the unstained proteins concentration of cattle was higher than that of swine, as follows below: 1.5 times higher in the extract of the longest back muscle, 1.3 times - in the heart muscle, 2 times - in the liver and lungs, 1.1 time - in the kidneys. In spleen tissues of these animal species the concentration of unstained proteins was almost at the same level. The stained proteins concentration of cattle was also higher than that of swine: twice higher in the longest back muscle and the heart muscle, 1.3 times - in the liver, lungs and spleen, 1.2 times - in the kidneys. The concentration of mucins was 1.5 times higher in the lung tissue, 1.3 times - in the kidneys, 1.2 times - in the longest back muscle and the heart muscle, 1.1 times - in the spleen. In the liver of these animal species the concentration of mucins was almost at the same level. The concentration of cationic component of cattle was lower than that of swine, as follows below: 1.4 times lower in the longest back muscle and the heart muscle, 1.3 times - in the liver, 1.1 times - in the lung tissue. In the kidney and spleen the concentration of the cationic component was practically at the same level for these animal species. As a result of the research, it is established that cattle 20 meat has a higher nutritional value. Key words: protein fractions, globulins, extracts, organs, tissues, large horned cattle, pigs, slaughter products, biochemical studies, electrophoresis, electropherogram. References: - Arnautov O.V., Bagryantseva O.V., Bessonov V.V. O neobkhodimosti sovershenstvovaniya sistemy preduprezhdeniya falsifikatsii pishchevykh produktov v evraziyskom ekonomicheskom soyuze [On necessity to improve the system of prevention of falsification of food products in the Eurasian Economic Union]. - Problems of nutrition. - 2016 (85 (2)). - pp. 104-115.
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Author affiliation: Inyukina Tatyana A., Ph.D. in Technics, docent of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8-918-3350636; е-mail: inukina@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Koshchaev Andrey G., D.Sc. in Biology, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; phone: 8-861-2215637; e-mail: kagbio@mail.ru.