DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2019-1-11-14 Vatsaev Sh.V., Lysenko A.A., Khakhov L.A., Krivonos R.A., Chernykh O.Yu. Summary. Features of pathogenetic mechanisms of manifestation and immunological response in large horned cattle at hypodermatosis and nodular dermatitis are described in the article. The results of biochemical studies showing changes in the organism at hypodermatosis and nodular dermatitis at the territory of the Chechen Republic, which lead to disruption of the homeostasis, physiologically normal functioning of many enzymes, hormones, vitamins and the whole organism are presented. The results of blood biochemical studies in the framework of general clinical and special diagnostic studies allow to assess the homeostasis and dynamic balance of the animals, with the aim of timely and complete diagnosis, studying the dynamics of the development of pathological processes and conditions in the organism, developing effective methods for compensating disorders, ability to self-regulate and complex therapeutic and preventive measures. Authors proved that at hypodermatosis and nodular dermatitis in cattle, despite the difference in the nature of the pathogens, in both cases there is an increase in the level of creatinine in the blood of animals from 27% to 88.2% compared to the upper limit of normal. Carotene level in the serum of all experimental animals is lower in 100% of animals and varies from 0.03 to 0.2 mg% at a rate of 0.4-1.0 mg%. Indices of total protein in almost all animals at hypodermatosis significantly differ from the norm. 90% of animals show hypoglycemia state (level of glucose is reduced from 5% to 30% compared with the norm) at hypodermatosis and nodular dermatitis. All these changes lead to acidosis, decrease in the level of protective antibodies and, as a result, significant damage of liver, kidneys, muscle tissue, other organs and systems. Key words: hypodermatosis, nodular dermatitis, homeostasis, biochemistry, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, enzymes, acid-base composition of blood, serum, physiological indicators. References: - Ado A.D., Ado M.A., Pytskiy V.I. Patologicheskaya fiziologiya [Pathological physiology]. - Moscow, 2000. - 574 p.
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Author affiliation: Vatsaev Shakhab V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent of the department of Veterinary Medicine of the Chechen State University; 32, Sheripova st., Grozny, 364907; e-mail: vac-60@mail.ru. Khakhov Latif A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of therapy and pharmacology of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin 26, 33, Prospekt Chekistov st., Krasnodar, 350089; phone: 8-918-1361480; e-mail: vetkubgau@mail.ru. Kri vonos Roman A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, head of the Veterinary Department of Krasnodar region; 36, Rashpilevskaya st., Krasnodar, 350000; phone: 8-861-2622869; e-mail: sinkubani@mail.ru. Chernykh Oleg Yu., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, director of the Kropotkin regional veterinary laboratory; 303, Krasnoarmeyskaya st., Kropotkin, 352380; phone: 8-86138-62314; e-mail: gukkvl50@kubanvet.ru Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Lysenko Aleksandr A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, professor of the department of therapy and pharmacology of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 7, 29, Rozhdestvenskaya emb., Krasnodar, 350089; phone: 8-861-221-58-20; e-mail: vet.kubgau@mail.ru.