UDC:619:[616-056:54:636.22/.28]:[636.085.57:615.33] Shakhov A.G., Sashnina L.Yu., Ermakova T.I., Klimenko A.I. Summary. Influence of fodder additives Acid Lac dry of probiotic Prolam and their combination on humoral (antibacterial, complementary and lysozyme activity of blood serum) and cellular (phagocytic activity of leucocytes, phagocytic number and phagocytic index) of nonspecific protection and clinical status of animals in colostrum milk period was studied in the experiment on calves-hypotrophics. Blood tests were performed on the first and seventh day. The use of was accompanied by an increase in most indicators of natural resistance of the animals. Positive effect of Acid Lac dry on nonspecific protection of calves is due to the prebiotic effect creating unfavourable conditions by increasing the acidity of intestinal contents for vital activity of potentially pathogenic bacteria and favourable to the indigenous microflora, which, together with the provision of colonization resistance of the open cavities or organism enhances specific and nonspecific immune resistance. Acid Lac dry organic acids are involved in the regulation of various body functions. Immunomodulatory effect of Prolam is due to the presence in its composition of lactobacillies and bifidumbacteria, which participate in the formation of intestinal biocenosis, which members activate the synthesis of nonspecific factors of protection. Complex use of the preparations was accompanied by a more vivid increase of natural nonspecific resistance of calves, indicating their synbiotic effect. The improvement of natural resistance by the prebiotic and probiotic separately and in particular by complex application of the drugs largely profilactate gastrointestinal diseases in calves-hypotrophics, and in case of the event reduces the duration of the course. Keywords: calves-hypotrophic, gastrointestinal diseases, probiotic, prebiotic, fodder additive, Acid Lac dry, Prolam, immunomodulating action, natural non-specific resistance. References: - Bondarenko V.M., Grachyova N.M. Probiotiki, prebiotiki, sinbiotiki v terapii i profilaktike kishechnykh disbakteriozov [Probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics in treatment and prevention of intestinal dysbiosis]. - Farmateka. - Moscow, 2003 (7). - pp. 5663.
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Author affiliation: Shakhov Alexey G., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, corresponding member of RAS, chief researcher of the laboratory of infectious and invasive diseases of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute of pathology, pharmacology and therapy; 114-b, Lomonosova st., Voronezh, 394087; phone: 8-473-2539354; e-mail: a.g.shakhov@mail.ru. Sashnina Larisa Yu., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the laboratory of ecological monitoring of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute of pathology, pharmacology and therapy; 114-b, Lomonosova st., Voronezh, 394087; phone: 8-473-2539354; e-mail: l.yu.sashnina@mail.ru. Klimenko Aleksandr I., D.Sc. in Agriculture, professor, academician of RAS, rector of the Don State Agrarian University; 24, Krivoshlykova st., Persianovskiy sttl., Rostov region, 346493; phone: 8-863-6036150, e-mail: dongau@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Ermakova Tatyana I., Ph.D. in Biology, docent, scientific secretary of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute of pathology, pharmacology and therapy; 114-b, Lomonosova st., Voronezh, 394087; phone: 8-473-2539354; e-mail: vnivipat@mail.ru.