UDC:[636.7:617.584/.586-089.227.84]-092.9 Gorbach E.N., Stepanov M.A. Summary. The cases of the knee flexion contracture and equinus foot are not infrequent when lengthening the lower limbs by the method of transosseous distraction osteosynthesis - above 15% of the initial length, as well as when using higher rates of distraction - 2 mm per day and more. The imbalance of antagonist muscles and poor stretchability of the Achilles tendon considered to be one of the causes of developing adjacent joint contractures during leg lengthening. Two series of experiments performed in 19 adult mongrel dogs (at the age of 1-3 years). In the first series (control, n=10) the animals underwent leg lengthening by the transosseous osteosynthesis method according to Ilizarov with the rate of 3 mm for 120 times using an automatic drive without additional impacts, in the second series (experiment, n=9) Z-shaped achillotomy was performed in addition to prevent equinus foot formation after leg bone osteoclasia. The investigations using clinical, radiological, and histological methods were made at the end of distraction period (10 days), 30 days after fixation with the device and 30 days after the device dismounting. It was found, that the use of Z-shaped achillotomy during leg lengthening with the average daily rate which was increased up to 3 mm and with high division (120 times) that were provided by the automatic drive, excluded foot equinus and minimized the development of flexion contracture of the knee and articulatio tarsi and, thereby optimized the conditions for reparative osteogenesis in the limb segment under lengthening. Keywords: dog, contracture, foot equines, osteoclasis, achillotomy, transosseousdistraction osteosynthesis, automated drive, high-frequency rate of lengthening, tibia, reparative osteosynthesis. References: 1. Golyakhovsky V., Frenkel V. Rukovodstvo po chreskostnomu osteosintezu metodom Ilizarova [Guide to transosseous osteosynthesis by Ilizarov method]. - Saint-Petersburg, 1999. - pp. 262-267. 2. Yerofeyev S.A., Chikorina N.K., Saifutdinov M.S. Reaktsiya myshts goleni na ee udlinenie s vysokim tempom v usloviyakh avtomaticheskoy distraktsii v eksperimente [Reaction of muscles of leg to its experimental lengthening of high rate under automatic distraction]. - Genij Ortopedii. - Kurgan, 2004 (4). - pp. 18-22. 3. Gorbach E.N., Stupina T.A., Varsegova T.N., Yemanov A.A. Izuchenie dinamiki kosteobrazovaniya, sostoianiyasustavnogokhryashchaibolshebertsovogo nerva pri povyshennom tempe udlineniya goleni avtodistraktorami v eksperimente [Study of dynamics of osteogenesis, condition of articular cartilage and tibial nerve during experimental leg lengthening at the increased rate with autodistractors]. -2013 (7). - pp. 42-47. 4. Shevtsov V.I., Yerofeyev S.A., Gorbach E.N., Yemanov A.A. Osobennosti kosteobrazovaniya pri udlinenii goleni avtomaticheskimi distraktorami pri povyshennom tempe udlineniya goleni avtomaticheskimi distraktorami s tempom 3 mm za 180 priemov (eksperimentalnoe issledovanie) [Osteogenesis features for leg lengthening using automatic distractors with the rate by 3 mm for 180 times (an experimental study)]. - Genij Ortopedii. - Kurgan, 2006 (1). - pp. 10-16. 5. Aranovich A.M., Dindiberia E.V., Klimov O.V., Novikov K.I. Oshibki i oslozhneniya pri udlinenii goleni u bolnykh akhondroplaziey [Errors and complications during leg lengthening in patients with achondroplasia]. -Travmatologiya i Ortopediya Rossii. - Saint-Petersburg, 2005 (1 (34)). - pp. 3638. 6. Sposob tenotomii dlyia ustraneniya ekvinusnoy postanovki stopy u sobak [Tenotomy technique for correction of canine equinus foot]. - Pat. 2504338. - 2014. 7-12.Vide supra. Author affiliation: Stepanov Mikhail A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, leading scientific researcher, veterinarian of the laboratory of purulent osteology and replacement of defects of limbs of the Ilizarov Russian Scientific Center; 6, Ulyanova st., Kurgan, 640014; phone: 8-3522-415227; е-mail: m-stepanov@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Gorbach Elena N., Ph.D. in Biology, leading scientific researcher of the laboratory of morphology of the Ilizarov Russian Scientific Center; 6, Ulyanova st., Kurgan, 640014; phone: 8-3522-415273; e-mail: gorbach.e@mail.ru.