UDC 619:616.98:578.835.2:616-036.22 Gerasimov V.N., Kuzmin V.A., Vasinskiy R.G. Summary. African swine fever is an acute highly contagious disease of pigs. Allergic and autoallergic reactions play major role in pathogenesis and immunogenesis at ASF. Virus has a high survival rate in the environment: it is stored in the soil from 112 days (summer-autumn) to 200 days (winter-spring), in feces -up to 160 days, in the urine - up to 60 days, in the corpses - from 17 to 70 days, in frozen meat of diseased pigs during storage - to 155 days and in smoked ham - up to 180 days. Temperature range of pathogen stability is: 5°C - to 7 years, 18-20°C - 18 months, 37°C - 30 days, 50°C - up to 1 hour. One of the mandatory items of anti-epizootic measures to eliminate the outbreak of African swine fever within the quarantine measures is disinfection. Since 2007 new disinfectants studied in National Research Institute for Veterinary Virology and Microbiology of Russia were successfully used for the disinfection of infected with ASF virus agricultural objects. Proposed by the authors Kemicyd has a prolonged effect due to the presence in its composition of polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride, which forms a microfilm on the treated surface, safe for the materials, but destructive for microorganisms. Role of the use of previously developed disinfectants against the African swine fever (ASF) in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the use of disinfectants with higher efficacy and economic costs is presented in the article. Authors found that properly used disinfectants significantly increase the efficiency of veterinary-sanitary measures for the elimination of disease foci. Keywords: African swine fever, outbreak, focus, endangered area, virus stability, veterinary and sanitary measures, disinfection, disinfectant, Kemicyd, microfilm. References: 1. Kuzmin V.A., Danko Yu.O., Kudryavtseva A.V. Algoritm deystviya gosudarstvennoy veterinarnoy sluzhby munitsipalnykh obrazovaniy subyekta Rossiyskoy Federatsii pri ugroze vozniknoveniya ochaga zabolevaniya afrikanskoy chumy sviney [Algorithm of actions of the state veterinary service of municipalities of the Russian Federation at threat of ASF outbreak]. - SPSAVM. - Saint-Petersburg, 2011. - 49 p. 2. Aronov V.M., Kuzmin V.A., Gerasimov V.N., Sagatelyan A.V. Epizooticheskaya situatsiya po afrikanskoy chume sviney v Rossiyskoy Federatsii v 2007-2012 godakh i primeneniye novykh dezinfitsiruyushchikh sredstv v epizooticheskikh ochagakh [Epizootic situation on African swine fever in the Russian Federation in the period of 2007-2012 and use of new disinfectants in epizootic outbreaks]. - Baltiyskiy forum veterinarnoy meditsiny. - Saint-Petersburg, 2012. - pp. 159-161. 3. Syurin V.N., Samuylenko A.Ya., Solovyov B.V., Fomina N.V. Virusnyye bolezni zhivotnykh [Viral animal diseases]. - VNITIBP. - Moscow, 1998. - 928 p. 4. Instruktsiya o meropriyatiyakh po preduprezhdeniyu i likvidatsii afrikanskoy chumy sviney [Instruction on measures for prevention and elimination of African swine fever]. - Moscow, 1980. 5. Gulyukin M.I., Nadtochey G.A., Stepanova T.V. [et al.] Istoriya izucheniya afrikanskoy chumy sviney [History of ASF study]. - Veterinarnaya patologiya. -Moscow, 2012 (3). - pp. 7-12. 6. Kovalenko Ya.R., Sidorov M.I., Burba L.G. Afrikanskaya chuma sviney [African swine fever]. - Kolos. - Moscow, 1972. - 200 p. 7. Kuzmin V.A., Gerasimov V.N. A frikanskaya chuma sviney [African swine fever]. - RVI. - Yaroslavl, 2009 (1 (89)). - pp. 20-23. 8. Gerasimov V.N., Kukushkin S.A., Mishchenko A.V. [et al.] Likvidatsiya afrikanskoy chumy sviney v Respublike Abkhaziya [ASF elimination in the Republic of Abkhazia]. - Veterinariya. - Moscow, 2008 (3). - pp. 19-24. Author affiliation: Kuzmin Vladimir A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, Head of the department of epizootology of the Saint-Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine; 5, Chernigovskaya st., Saint-Petersburg, 196084; phone: 8-8123882817; e-mail: secretary@spbgavm.ru. Vasinskiy Roman G., veterinarian Consulting Center of the Saint-Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine; 5, Chernigovskaya st., Saint-Petersburg, 196084; phone: 8-812-3882817. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Gerasimov Viktor N., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Honored Veterinarian of the Russian Federation, docent of the Research and Education Center of the National Research Institute for Veterinary Virology and Microbiology of Russia; 1, Academician Bakoulov st., Volginsky sttl., Petushki area, Vladimir region, 601125; phone: 8-4922-379251; e-mail: vniivvim@niiv.petush.elcom.ru.