UDC 619:615.285:576.89:636.3 Orobets V.А., Safarova М.I., Kashkovskaia L.М. Summary. According to the results of epizootiological screening of wohlfahrtiosis in sheep in Stavropol region authors established that W. magnifica affect a significant number of sheep during the grazing season. NITA-FARM company has developed new insecticide – preparation Ciflunit Flock – to ensure insects control in animal farming. The preparation belongs to the group of synthetic pyrethroids, and has a contact action. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to study the efficiency of the preparation Ciflunit Flock against W. magnifica (at larva and imago stages). Evaluation of the efficiency of the preparation Ciflunit Flock against wohlfahrtiosis in small horned cattle (protective action coefficient and larvicidal properties) was conducted in a production experiment – on the basis of agricultural production co-operative "Novomarevsky", All-Russian Research Institute of sheep and goat breeding, and peasant farm enterprise "Tsimlyanskoe" of Shpakovsky District of Stavropol region. During the experiment, the preparation Ciflunit Flock showed high efficacy against ectoparasites of wohlfahrtiosis in small horned cattle. One-time application of the preparation immediately after sheepshearing provides a long-lasting protective action (one week after application the efficiency was 100%, in 21 days – 99.5%, in 6 weeks – 87.5%). Applying the preparation to wounds invaded with W. magnifica larvae kills the larvae within 60 minutes after application. Easy and convenient use of the preparation Ciflunit Flock, as well as absence of restrictions on animal products after its application has been highlighted. Keywords: wohlfahrtiosis, sheep, prevention, Ciflunit Flock, efficacy, insecticides, protective action, larvicide, pour-on, application. References: 1. Bakunov A.V. Volfartioz zhivotnykh: epizootologicheskii analiz, sostoianie gomeostaza, sredstva i metody borby [Wohlfahrtiosis in animals: Epizootiological analysis, condition of homeostasis, means and methods of control]. – Stavropol, 1999. – 23 p. 2. Zolotukhina L.Z. Miazy ovets (epizootologiia, ekologiia vozbuditelei estroza i volfartioza), izyskanie sredstv i sovershenstvovanie metodov bor’by s nimi [Myasis in sheep (epizootology, ecology of oestrosis and wohlfahrtiosis pathogens), seeking ways and improvement of control methods]. – Stavropol, 1994. 3. Mavlonov S.I. Entomofagi zoofi lnykh mukh [Entomophages of zoophilous flies]. – Veterinariia. – Moscow, 2002 (1). – pp. 33-35. 4. Podmogilnaia A.P. Vol’fartioz ovets v zone Iuzhnogo Urala i mery bor’by s nim [Wohlfahrtiosis in sheep in the South Urals area and methods of control]. – Vet. entomology and acaralogy. – Moscow, 1983. – pp. 177-182. 5. Simetskii M.A. Bor’ba s miazami zhivotnykh [Fighting against myasis in animals]. – Veterinariia. – 1980 (5). — pp. 34-35. 6. Tolokonnikov V.P., Lysenko I.O. Miazy ovets [Myasis in sheep]. –AGRUS. – Stavropol, 2005. — 252 p. 7. Скиба, О.В. Облiгатнi порожниннi i тканиннi мiази овець лiвобережжя Украiни (епiзоотологiя, лiкування та заходи профiлактики). Автореф. дис… к.в.н. Харкiв. — 2004. — 8 с. (in Ukr.). 8. Valentin A., Baumann M., Schein E., Bajanbileg S. Genital myasis (Wohlfahrtiosis) in camel herds of Mongolia // Vet. Parasitol. - 1997. - Vol. 73, № 3-4. - P.335-346. Author affi liation: Orobets Vladimir A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, head of the department of therapy and pharmacology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 12, Zootechnichesky per., Stavropol, 355017; phone: 8-928-327-60-16; e-mail: orobets@yandex.ru. Safarova М.I., Ph.D. in Chemistry, NITA-FARM LLC; 1, Osipova V.I. st., Saratov, 410010; phone: 8-845-2-33-86-00; e-mail: sr-center@nita-farm.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kashkovskaya L.М., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Vavilov Saratov State Agrarian University; 1, Teatralnaya st., Saratov, 410005; phone: 8-845-2-33-86-00; e-mail: sr-center@nita-farm.ru.