UDC 619:616.98 Donnik I.M., Trofimov O.V., Pak I.V. Summary. Leucoses – heterogeneous group of malignant blood diseases, which are characterized by the expansion of immature blast cells. Exact molecular mechanisms of occurrence and progression of leukemia has not yet been established. Authors studied changes specific to leukemic blood, which are important not only for understanding the fundamental mechanisms and patterns of disease occurrence, and on that basis determine the appropriateness of the use of genomic and post-genomic technologies to search for early markers of disease. Number of features of the cytogenetic and proteomic nature was identified on the basis of hematological studies of cows with leucose. High incidence accumulations of blast cells, changes the qualitative composition of lymphoid cells: there are wide cytoplasmic lymphocytes, dual-core shape, shadow cells was registered in cows with leucose. Acanthocytosis of red blood cells is often noted. Also, there is the appearance of micronuclei in lymphocytes in infected animals. Changes in the protein composition of blood serum were observed. Number of detectable serum protein fractions reduced. Differences affect mainly minor fractions: globulins and haptoglobin. Carrying two dimensional electrophoresis yielded preliminary results showing the difference between proteomes of sick and healthy animals, and found that a promising area of research is the search for markers of leukemia in cattle in the area of minor protein fractions by means of two-dimensional electrophoresis. Keywords: bovine leukemia, blood, blood serum, swab, cytogenetic studies, leukemia markers, proteomic changes, blast cells, microkernel, protein fractions. References: 1. Ayala F., Kayger Dzh. Sovremennaia genetika [Modern genetics]. – Mir. – Moscow, 1988 (3). – 335 p. 2. Baskaran D., Spirin V.V., Prasolov V.S. Aktivirovannye leikoznye onkogeny, opredeliaiushchie zlokachestvennoe pererozhdenie krovetvornykh kletok [Activated leukemia oncogenes determining malignant transformation of hematopoietic cells]. – Molekuliarnaia biologiia. – Moscow, 2010 (44 (3)). – pp. 418-430. 3. Gerunova L.K., Okolelov V.I., Boyko T.V. Gepatotoksicheskoe deistvie pestitsidov na teplokrovnykh zhivotnykh [Haematotoxic effects of pesticides on warm-blooded animals]. – Moscow, 2003 (4). – pp. 75-78. 4. Lakin G.F. Biometriia [Biometrics]. – Vysshaia shkola. – Moscow, 1980. – 291 p. 5. Lilli R. Patogistologicheskaia tekhnika i prakticheskaia gistokhimiia [Histopathological technique and practical histochemistry]. – Mir. – Moscow, 1969. – 624 p. 6. Roskin G.I. Mikroskopicheskaia tekhnika [Microscopic technique]. – Sovetskaia nauka. – Moscow, 1951. – 447 p. 7. Laemmli U.K. Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4 // Nature. 1970. Vol. 227. P. 680–685. 8. Oakley B.R., Kirsch D.R., Morris N.R. A simplifi ed ultrasensitive silver stain for detecting proteins in polyacrylamide gels // Anal. Biochem. 1980. Vol. 105. P. 361-363. Author affiliation: Trofimov Oleg V., assistant of the department of ecology and genetics of the Tyumen State University; 10, Semakova st., Tyumen, 625003; phone: 8-906-875-35-43; e-mail: oleg_v_trofi mov@mail.ru. Pak Irina V., D.Sc. in Biology, professor, Head of the department of ecology and genetics of the Tyumen State University; 10, Semakova st., Tyumen, 625003; phone: 8-(3452)-25-52-78; e-mail: pakiv57@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Donnik Irina M., D.Sc. in Biology, Academician of the RAS, rector of the Urals State Agrarian University; 42, Karla Libknekhta st., Yekaterinburg, 620075; phone: 8-(343)-371-33-63; e-mail: rector@urgau.ru.