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Issues / 01/15 Print

Age-related changes in the mass of internal organs of repair young egg hens at industrial immunization

UDC 636.52/58.084

Vinogradova E.V., Usenko V.V., Koshchaev A.G., Yakubenko E.V.

Summary. Analysis of research results conducted by the authors showed that there were two sharp peaks exceeding the norm by weight of the liver – at the age of 50 and 84 days – more than 20% in clinically healthy poultry selected for the assessment of biological development. Spleen weight at the age of 40 days exceeded the rate by 20%. Later the relative weight of the spleen decreased, and at the age of 84 days came into compliance with the norm. Most significant change in the relative weight of the spleen and liver of poultry was set at the age 50 days. Authors attributed this fact with forced necessity of realization of immune response in a specified organs accumulating overload antigenic stimuli. It was noted that the specified age level mortality in poultry post-vaccination period significantly reduced. Indirect evidence of the significant role of the liver and spleen in the effects of immunological reactivity may be the fact of reducing the severity of injuries of these organs, starting with the age of 90 days. Thus, the study of healthy poultry older than 90 days that have died or culled because of injuries, almost identify no visually defining characteristics of inflammatory or degenerative liver damage. This suggests what exactly specified age morphogenesis of immunocompetent organs and formation of mechanisms of immunological reactivity generally ends.

Keywords: industrial poultry, internal organs, body weight, hens, immune system, peak of oviposition, spleen, liver, immunoprophylaxis.


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10. Koshchaev A.G., Koshchaeva O.V., Kalyuzhny S.A. Probiotik Trilaktobakt v kormlenii perepelov [Trilaktobakt in quail feeding]. – KubGAU. – Krasnodar, 2014 (95). – pp. 633-647.

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14. Koshchaev A.G., Luneva A.V., Lysenko Yu.A., Koshchaeva O.V. Povyshenie bioresursnogo potentsiala perepelov s primeneniem gipokhlorita natriya [Raising quail bioresource potential using sodium hypochlorite]. – SGAU. – Stavropol, 2013 (3 (6)). – pp. 135–138.

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17. Koshchaev A.G., Kobylyatskaya G.V., Migina E.I., Koshchaeva O.V. Primenenie mono- i polishtammovykh probiotikov v ptitsevodstve dlya povysheniya produktivnosti [Use of mono- and poly-strain probiotics in poultry farming to increase productivity]. – Trudy KubGAU. – Krasnodar, 2013 (1 (42)). – pp. 105–110.

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19. Yakubenko E.V., Koshchaeva O.V., Shkredov V.V., Koshchaev A.G. Sravnitelnaya otsenka effektivnosti primeneniya probiotika trilaktobakt v perepelovodstve [Comparative evaluation of probiotic Trilaktobakt efficacy in quailbreeding]. – Veterinariya Kubani. – Krasnodar, 2014 (1). – pp. 5–9.

20. Fisenko G.V., Koshchaev A.G., Petenko I.A., Koshchaeva O.V. Tekhnologiya proizvodstva i toksikologiya kormovoy dobavki Mikotsel [Production technology and toxicology of Mikocel feed additive]/ // Trudy KubGAU. – 2013. – (43). – pp. 55-60

21. Koshchaev A. G., Fisenko G.V., Khatkhakumov S.S., Kalyuzhny S.A. Farmakologicheskoe obosnovanie primeneniya kormovoy dobavki Mikotsel na perepelakh [Pharmacological rationale for use of Mikocelfeed additive on quail]. – Trudy KubGAU. – Krasnodar, 2013 (4 (43)). – pp. 76-82.

22. Koshchaev A.G., Kalyuzhny S.A., Koshchaeva O.V. Funktsionalnye kormovye dobavki iz karotinsoderzhashchego rastitelnogo syrya dlya ptitsevodstva [Functional feed additives of carotenoid plant raw materials for poultry].–KubGAU.– Krasnodar, 2013 (93). – pp. 1167-1186.

23. Koshchaev A.G., Kobylyatskaya G.V., Migina E.I., Kalyuzhny S.A. Effektivnost ispolzovaniya novogo probiotika v razlichnye vozrastnye periody vyrashchivaniya perepelov myasnogo napravleniya produktivnosti [Efficacy of the use of new probiotic at different ages growing quail meat direction of productivity]. – KubGAU. – Krasnodar, 2013 (90). – pp. 230-248.

Author affiliation:

Vinogradova Ekaterina V., post-graduate student of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8(918)-443-65-00; e-mail:

Usenko Valentina V., Ph.D. in Biology, docent of the department of physiology and animal feeding of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8 (861) 221-57-98; e-mail:

Yakubenko Elena V., Ph. D. in Biology, head of the Krasnodar regional station of fighting against animal diseases; 15/1, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8(861)221-63-60; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Koshchaev Andrey G., D.Sc. in Biology, Professor, Vice rector of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8(861)221-57-84; email: e-mail:


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