UDC 614.9 Tikhonyuk M.V. Summary. Author devoted the article to the dominant aspects of infectious diseases of farm animals stating the role of veterinary-sanitary and preventive measures, in which the key is disinfection. The primary goal of modern livestock breeding is maximizing productivity and ensuring good animal welfare. Effective biosecurity program is of paramount importance for the endurance of breeding farms. Appropriate preventive hygiene measures can dramatically lower the infection pressure on livestock and will pro-actively minimize the risk of a disease outbreak and its spread. Authors proved the practical value of a number of components and active ingredients in Incimaxx® T by offered by Ecolab. Benefits of the use of Incimaxx® are described with an example of Field-trial with Incimaxx® T. Efficacy of Incimaxx® T has been proved in field-trial on one pig farm in Germany. Trial was performed in one holding pen with 8 boxes, on a pig fattening farm with capacity of 800 pigs per batch. Incimaxx® T combines the strong disinfecting power of glutaral with QACs. These ingredients are combined in a special ratio and in a way that they possess optimized performance. Incimaxx® T is well suitable to kill numerous of enveloped and naked viruses and bacteria, which caused different diseases in poultry, swine and bovine, such as: Newcastle disease virus, Avian influenza virus, Adenovirus, Bovine viral diarrhoea virus, Infectious laryngotracheitis, Fowl pox, Swine fever etc. Keywords: Incimaxx® T, bio-security, hygiene, disinfection, disease prevention, sanitation facilities, destruction of viruses and bacteria, utilization, quality control. References: 1. Kudryashev A.A., Kalishin N.M., Kuzmin V.A. Algoritm deystviya gosudarstvennoy veterinarnoy sluzhby subyekta Rossiyskoy Federatsii pri ugroze vozniknoveniya afrikanskoy chumy sviney [Algorithm steps of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation at African swine fever]. – Saint-Petersburg, 2013. 2. Bakulov I.A., Vologina I.V. Epizooticheskaya situatsiya po osobo opasnym boleznyam zhivotnykh v 2007-2008 [Epizootic situation on a particularly dangerous animal diseases in 2007-2008]. – Pokrov, 2008. 3. Polyakov A.A. Rukovodstvo po veterinarnoy sanitarii [Veterinary Sanitation Guide]. – Agropromizdat. – Moscow, 1986. Author affiliation: Tikhonyuk Maksim V., Sales Manager of the CJSC "ECOlab"; 1, Budennogo st., Elektrogorsk, Moscow region, 142530; 8(495)9807060 extra 7203; e-mail: maksim.tikhonuk@ecolab.com – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.