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Issues / 01/15 Print

Erythrocyte microrheological properties and coagulation characteristics of plasma in sows after weaning

UDC [616-005.1-08:331.1]:615.22

Parakhnevich A.V.

Summary. Study included 46 healthy sows of large white breed surveyed on the day of weaning and at 1, 3, 5 and 7 days after. Increasing trend in the number of blood erythrocytes-discocytes, lowering of the level of reversible modified erythrocytes at low level irreversibly modified their forms was registered during the observation. Slight reduction in the level of total involvement of erythrocytes in the units and number of units in a small decrease in freely moving erythrocytes was observed in the blood of sows after weaning. Activity of all coagulation factors tended to decrease after weaning. Tendency towards slower activated partial thromboplastin, prothrombin and thrombin time was observed. The process of hemicircular is of great biological importance for the functional activity of the organism of productive animals, including pigs, due to the provision of all processes of tissue metabolism. The major components needed to maintain optimum internal environment of an organism of pigs during their ontogeny, are erythrocytes. Due to their adequate aggregation activity and state of the surface geometry under optimum coagulation ability of the plasma is provided by the free movement of blood through the vessels at any age. It is clear that the state of the microrheological properties of erythrocytes and hemocoagulation in productive animals in different physiological states is a serious physiological element in supporting their process of anabolism in the tissues and ensure the realization of the genetic program in the existing conditions of their existence.

Keywords: erythrocyte, aggregation, cytoarchitectonics, blood coagulation, hemocirculation, sows, weaning, thromboplastin, prothrombin, thrombin.


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Author affillation: Parakhnevich Andrey V., Ph.D. in Biology, doctoral student of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of physiology, biochemistry and animal nutrition; 12 B, Pirogova st., Kursk, 305035; ph.: 8-910-273-22-63; e-mail: – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.


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